Chapter 9

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Benedict raised an eyebrow at her, not sure if he understood her, Lisa smiled at him, “Lets watch something on the television, it’s still early, might like a coffee later.” She winked at him; she could see him relax again. Wondering to herself, what he thought she meant when saying no to coffee. Benedict took her hand in his, leading her over to the couch, Lisa could feel a slight blush colouring her cheeks. He sat down, pulling her down beside him; he pulled her close to him, placing an arm around her shoulder. Lisa rested her head against his chest, listening to his heart beat. He picked up a remote from the side table, switching on the television. It was on a random station. Lisa heard the theme tune of Doctor Who, she lifted her head, watching the screen, “What is this, I know Karen likes it.” Benedict smiled down at her, “You mean you don’t know about the Doctor? You sure have missed out.” Benedict launched into an introduction to Doctor Who, “I used to watch it every now and then, not really following because my schedule doesn’t allow for so much free time, but it’s a guilty pleasure every now and then.” Lisa made a mental note to start watching it. After a while she turned her attention to Benedict, studying his profile. He glanced at her smiling when he caught her staring.

He muted the television, turning to her. “Lisa, I know we haven’t known each other for a long time, but I really like you, and would like to get to know you even more.” Lisa smiled at him, “I would like that very much.” Benedict smiled down at her. Lisa watched him again. “Ben, we need some ground rules.” He looked at her confusion showing in his eyes. He nodded once, “Go ahead.” He said encouragingly. Lisa took a deep breath, “Rule one, don’t announce it just yet, I have seen your fandom going crazy over rumours, I don’t even want to know what they will do with the truth.” He chuckled to himself, “Yes they can be a little enthusiastic sometimes.” Lisa raised an eyebrow at him, “A little.” Benedict looked at her, “My turn, No photos of me taken by you, should be published in the newspaper you work for.” Lisa thought about that for a while, “Okay well then I have broken that rule, I took some this afternoon, and my editor already has a copy of them. Sorry.” Lisa looked down at her hands, rubbing them nervously. Benedict felt guilty for setting this rule. He gave a soft sigh “Okay rule change, you can give them the ones that are paparazzi style, but personal ones of us, and those taken on dates, will not be in the paper.” Lisa smiled at him, “Deal!” Lisa looked thoughtfully at his bookcase again, Benedict studied her loving the little frown forming on her forehead, Lisa took a deep breath, “I have to go home now and then, how would you feel about that?” Benedict pretended the look shocked “Really, you don’t say,” he smiled at her “I understand that, and I would like to go with you once, I loved South Africa.” Lisa nudged him gently in the ribs with her elbow “Maybe this time, I will keep you safe and show you where not to go in the middle of the night.” Benedict smiled at her, leaning down, whispering softly “Will you be my body guard?” He kissed her softly on the lips, taking her hand in his, lacing his fingers with hers.

Lisa broke the kiss by pushing him gently away “I take that as a yes?” Benedict smiled, “It’s a yes, I have many trips coming up, to America, and I would love you to join me on one or two, if you want to?” Lisa jumped up, “I have always wanted to go to America, just try and stop me mister.” She smiled brightly at him, her cheeks flushed from excitement. Benedict leaned back into the couch. “I like it when you get excited about things. You remind me to do the same.” Lisa walked back to the couch. Benedict took her hand in his, looking up at her, “The rule about the travelling is, even though we are apart, we must make time to talk. I’ve seen too many relationships collapsing because of the stresses of so much travelling.” Lisa nodded, she suddenly looked a little uncomfortable, Benedict stood up, not letting go of her hand, he stepped closer, intertwining his fingers with hers again. “Lisa, what is bothering you?” Lisa looked up at him, biting her lip. “Ben, there is one thing that we must be clear about.” She took a deep breath, a slight blush creeping up her neck again. Benedict was starting to really like that blush, it made her look so young and innocent. She looked at her watch “Gosh look at the time, Will you please take me home?” Benedict was confused but decided that she will bring it up when she was ready for it. “Sure, I will quickly get my keys.”

As he was driving through the late night traffic of London, making his way to Lisa’s flat, he kept glancing at her, concerned at the thoughtful look on her face as she stared out at the passing buildings. He pulled up next to her building, parking the car. He jumped out running around to open her door, but she already opened the door by the time he reached it. She looked up at him, “I had a wonderful time, my dear sir.” She said smiling up at him; he leaned down kissing her softly. “Sleep well my dear lady.” She reached up kissing him on the cheek, “Let me know when you’re home, I don’t want to worry about you.” She turned around, skipping to the door; she turned around when she reached the door, blowing him a kiss. She slipped into the building, leaving Benedict slightly confused and amused. He got into the car, making his way back to his flat


Lisa slipped into the building, leaning against the wall, taking a deep breath, she knew she should have told him, but how, she ran up the stairs, making her way to the one person she knew who would have all the answers. She knocked on the door once before opening it. “Karen! Karen! Are you home?” she listened for an answer, “I’m in my room.” Lisa ran to the door, knocking softly “Are you decent?” Lisa went into Karen’s room, finding her sprawled on her bed with her laptop, Lisa could see Karen was watching Doctor Who again, and it was the same episode that she and Benedict started watching earlier. “What is that episode called?” Lisa asked flopping down on the bed next to Karen “It was showing earlier on television.” Karen paused the episode “It’s called Human Nature, it’s one of my favourite episodes, it shows David Tennant’s Doctor which is number 10, being protected by his companion, she looks after him even though they haven’t known each other for very long.” Karen took a deep breath, “I’m sorry, I get carried away by it.” Lisa smiled shaking her head, “I don’t mind. Maybe I will watch an episode with you soon, Benedict likes it, so will have to catch up.” Karen smiled knowingly at Lisa, “So does this mean you two are an item?” Lisa smiled, nodding once. “But Karen, I asked him to not announce it yet, so please it’s a secret.” Karen was practically bouncing on the bed, “I knew it, I knew you would end up together.”

Lisa watched Karen closely, “Karen, there is something I want to know, don’t take it the wrong way, but how do you know when it’s the right time to,” Lisa blushed again “you know, take the next step?” Karen stopped her happy dance looking thoughtfully at Lisa, “Sweetie, does this mean, you haven’t?” Lisa nodded shyly, “Yes, I’m still a virgin. I feel so silly about it, but if this gets really serious, it means it will happen, and I need to know, when do you think is the right time?” Karen stared at Lisa for a short time “Maybe I’m not the right person to ask this, you know my track record. But Lisa,” she turned facing Lisa, looking her in the eyes “You will need to tell him that you aren’t ready, don’t get his hopes up. I know Benedict is a gentleman, but he will expect something to happen sooner or later.” Karen smiled at Lisa “But remember one thing, don’t do anything until you’re not ready, and believe me, you’ll know.” Karen got up, pulling Lisa with her “Come on let me introduce you to the Doctor, starting with Nine.”


On his way home, Benedict’s phone rang; looking at the caller ID he could see it was his mother. He answered the phone, putting it on speaker phone. “Mum how are you?” His mother gave a slight chuckle on the other end of the line, “And a hallo to you too dear, where are you?” Benedict smiled quickly checking the time, “I’m actually near your place, are you still awake, and able to receive guests? I have some news.” He could hear his mother shouting to his father “Tim, get the tea pot out, Benedict is coming over.” Ben chuckled softly “Mum does that mean I can quickly come over.” He waited a couple of seconds hearing a commission on the other end “Sorry dear, yes, we are waiting, and since it’s getting late, will you be sleeping over?” Benedict pulled up in a parking space outside their building “Yes I’ll stay over.” Before heading up to their flat, he quickly sends a text to Lisa.

*Stopping at my mums, sweet dreams my Lisa. B*

He smiled as he made his way to his parents flat. He knew he shouldn’t tell his mother yet, but he just needed to tell someone. Just before he went in, his text alert sounded.

*Sweet dreams my mommy’s boy ;)*

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