Chapter 26

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A/N: I hope this turns out as I imagined it. Let me know what you think

The rest of the week was uneventful, Lisa headed to work each morning, leaving her parents to explore the city, the evenings were spend with Benedict showing all of them his favourite parts of London, her favourite was the night he got tickets for them all to see a play, Lisa loved the bustle of the area, all the tourist walking around looking lost, she even had a couple of people ask her for directions, she couldn’t help feeling proud of herself when she could point the people in the right direction. Benedict pulled her closer, placing his arm around her shoulder holding her close to him, her parents following close behind them. He could hear the older couple whispering to each other, he still hasn’t been able to get them alone to speak to them. When they reached the theatre he walked straight to the ticket counter, not standing in the line, when the young man behind the counter recognised him, he waved at Benedict, holding up the tickets he had reserved.

When they took their seats Lisa’s parents watched the young couple holding hands, whispering to each other. Willem poked Sarah in the ribs with his elbow, “Something tells me the next time she comes to visit she will either be engaged or about to get married.” Sarah watched the couple, “I wouldn’t mind, he is a wonderful lad, and I can see that he really cares for her.” They giggled together causing Benedict and Lisa to look over at them. Willem and Sarah looked at each other smiling turning their attention back to the stage.

“What do you think they are whispering about?” Lisa smiled at Benedict. Shrugging his shoulders he placed his arm around her shoulder, pulling her against his chest he kissed the top of her head before resting his head on hers. They watched the play, and he kept glancing down at her, watching her enthralled in the play, seeing her gasp or laugh at what was happening on the stage. He couldn’t wait for her to be that captured by his performance in Hamlet next year. He hoped they would still be together, it would make the run even more special if he knew she was in the audience watching him. Benedict sighed turning back to the play.


Lisa was getting nervous when she thought of her parents meeting Benedict’s parents. Her mother walked into her room finding her pacing her room. “Lisa sweetie, what is wrong darling?” she asked concerned about the look on Lisa’s face, she knew that look, her job as a mother was to know when something was bothering her daughter, she prided herself in the fact that she and Lisa had a open relationship. She walked to where Lisa was pacing, placing her hand on her arm, “Honey please tell me what is bothering you.” Lisa stopped pacing, turning to her mother. “Mommy what if you and daddy don’t like Benedict’s parents?” Sarah smiled, shaking her head at her daughter. “Sweetie if they are anything like Ben I’m sure we will love them. They raised a wonderful young man.” Sarah pulled Lisa into a hug holding her tightly. “Don’t worry sweetheart, you will see tomorrow. I’m sure everything will go splendidly.” Lisa smiled at her mother, “Thank you mommy.” Willem walked in finding his wife holding their daughter, he walked towards them, he held out his arms encircling the two women, hugging them tightly, “I have missed holding my two favourite girls like this.” Lisa hugged her father back, “I’ve missed this too daddy, but I’m very happy here. If it wasn’t for Benedict and Karen I would have run back home.” Willem smiled at his daughter, “Darling if it wasn’t for Benedict I would have dragged you home, but I can see that he makes you happy, and I wouldn’t dare separating the two of you.” He hugged his two girls again loving how they felt in his arms.

Later that night as Lisa was lying in bed she checked her mobile again and there was a text from Benedict.

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