Chapter 13

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A/N: Thank you for the comment on Karen’s name, so from now on she will be Karon   I know this can get confusing since Lisa’s friend is also Karen, but I hope I will make it less confusing.

Lisa slipped into her room, locking the door behind her. She ran to her phone, she didn’t even check the time before phoning Karen’s number. “Hello?” she heard Karen whisper. “Karen its Lisa, I’m sorry am I disturbing you?” Lisa could hear Karen moving around, clearing her throat, “Lisa, hey no, I am at work, let me just find a hiding spot.” Lisa could hear Karen was moving around. “Okay you have my attention. How was your first day, what’s the time there?” Lisa started walking around the room trying to not make too much noise, “I don’t know Karen it’s late. How am I going to do this?” Karen tried to interrupt Lisa’s ranting, “Lisa, babe, listen to me, what’s wrong? What happened?” Lisa took a deep breath, sitting cross legged on the carpet, running her fingers through the soft fibres of the carpet. “Nothing happened, I’m just so confused, I don’t want Benedict to think I’m a prude, but I also don’t want to just, you know give it up.” Lisa sighed, feeling angry with herself as tears started to run down her cheeks. “Lisa, Benedict is a gentlemen, he won’t push you. Where is he now?” Karen asked softly. “He is in his room, I think.” Lisa answered her, through sobs. Karen cleared her throat, “See I told you, total gentlemen. Lisa, he is waiting for you to show you are ready, or else he would’ve booked one room, not two. Now go wash your face, get in bed and sleep. You will feel better in the morning. I have to go.” Lisa heard the tone of the disconnected line in her ear. She took a couple of breathes before heading to the bathroom, splashing cool water on her face. She quickly took of the dress, putting on her pyjamas before getting into bed. Her text alert went off and when she checked it was from Benedict

*Sweet dreams, thank you for coming with me. B*

Lisa held the phone close to her heart, falling into a deep sleep, the tiredness of the long journey and the wonderful evening overwhelming her.


Benedict undressed pulling on a pair of boxer shorts, getting into the bed, he felt guilty for listening at the door, but somehow he felt better about the fact that he now knew what was bothering Lisa. He had an inkling what was bothering her, but now he had proof, and he knew if he pushed her, he would lose her, and he did not want that to happen. He send her a text, and waited for a while for a reply that never came. He stared up at the ceiling, slowly drifting into a deep slumber.

The next morning Benedict was woken by his mobile ringing, when he checked the caller ID he could see it was his agent Karon, “Morning Karon, please don’t tell me I’m late for something.” Karon chuckled on the other end of the line, “No not yet, just called to remind you that the helicopter ride you requested is booked for noon, and you need to be at the theatre for the Laureus Awards at 7.” Benedict sat up, suddenly very excited, “Great I forgot about that, how long do we have?” there was silence on the other end of the line before Karon replied, “It’s 9:30 now, Benedict you know you do have a quite expensive watch, use it!” The line went dead and Benedict sat there laughing.


Lisa was woken by the sound of Benedict laughing; she got up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, walking towards the sound of his laughter. She saw his door was slightly open, she knocked softly, walking into his room, “You sound cheerful?” she asked walking over to his bed, standing next to it. Benedict smiled at her getting up from the bed, “Morning gorgeous, I was just told off for not wanting to check the time.” When Lisa stared at him blankly, he leaned down, kissing her softly on the forehead. “Let’s go down for breakfast and then I have a surprise for you.”

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