Chapter 6

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Karen rushed over to the table, almost knocking Lisa over. “Hey my name is Karen and this” she turned around gesturing to Peter to hurry up. When he finally joined the group, he didn’t look too pleased, rolling his eyes. “This is Peter, he is my date.” Karen beamed at everyone. Lisa watched Peter as he placed an arm possessively around Karen’s shoulders. “Nice to meet everyone, you will have to excuse us, we have places to see.” He steered Karen towards the door, and Lisa could see the hurt in Karen’s eyes, she gave her a wave. Lisa turned her attention back to the table filled with celebrities. “Well if I was in work mode now, I could make a ton of money.” She said jokingly. Everyone around the table gave a half hearted chuckle.

Amanda and Lisa started chatting immediately and they spend a couple of hours talking about everything and anything. Lisa felt comfortable chatting with them all, and was surprised at how down to earth all of them were. Even the grumpy looking Martin turned out to be such a big sweetheart. She could see why Martin and Amanda were together. They were so cute together, joking around with each other, having inside jokes. She wished she could also have such a relationship someday. She looked over to where Benedict was watching her. She could see a blush creeping up when he was caught staring at her. She winked at him.

She finished her drink, getting up. “Thank you all for a lovely evening. I should be heading home.” Amanda gestured to Martin that they should stay. Benedict looked at Martin quizzically, “I am just getting her a taxi then I will be back.” As Lisa and Benedict made their way outside, Amanda ran up to them. Amanda took Lisa’s phone, and inserted her number. “Text me, then we can go have a coffee sometime, and I could show you more of London.” She said as she handed Lisa her phone back, giving her a hug.

When Ben and Lisa got outside, he hailed her a taxi. Benedict stood next to Lisa, kicking absentmindedly at the pavement. After a couple of seconds he took a deep breath, he handed Lisa his phone “Will you please type in your number.” Lisa smiled at him “You trust me with your phone, wow that is big” she typed her number in nervously, handing him back his phone as the taxi pulled up.  Benedict opened the door for her. “Goodnight Lisa” he gave her a soft kiss on her cheek. Lisa found herself wanting to kiss him, she almost pleaded with her eyes. She could feel her cheeks starting to burn. “Goodnight Benedict.” She slipped into the seat. Watching him as the taxi took off.

When her taxi turned the corner Benedict headed back inside, quickly typing a text:

*Please let me know when you get home. Benedict*

He slipped his phone back into his pocket, making his way over to the table. He could see Amanda was bursting with questions. He winked at her as he walked past, walking to the bar, getting them a round of drinks.

When he got back to the table Amanda was practically jumping up and down in her seat. “So come on spill the beans, why her? Don’t get me wrong she seems lovely, but Ben her job is to take photos of famous people, her job is to catch us doing something that will sell papers.” Benedict sat back in his seat, watching her. “I’m surprised, you usually see the best in everyone, and you even love the people who send you hate mail, just to piss them off. I don’t know Amanda, there’s just something.” Amanda was about to say something “Yes Ben, but you know how I feel about the Paps.” Benedict looked at her cocking his head to one side “Amanda, she’s still new to the profession, she isn’t like the others, and not all of them are bad.” Amanda was about to say something when Martin interjected. “Ben all Amanda is trying to say is be careful. I haven’t seen you this happy in a while mate, just be careful.”


When Lisa got back to the flat, she knocked on the door. Not wanting to barge in on something. Karen opened it after a couple of seconds, and Lisa could see that she had been crying. “Karen what happened?” Lisa closed the door behind her, taking Karen into her arms, giving her a big hug, holding her tightly as the other girl started to cry. Through sobs, Karen explained how Peter had dropped her off and said he wasn’t comfortable with her high flying lifestyle, and she shouldn’t phone or text him. “How pathetic can one man be?” asked Lisa to no one in particular. “Karen I’m sorry I didn’t know this would happen.” Karen wriggled loose from the hug, stepping back holding Lisa at arm length, looking her in the eyes. “Lisa this is not your fault. We haven’t known each other for long, but you are my best friend, I want to see you happy, Peter wasn’t the right one, or this wouldn’t have happened.” Karen gave Lisa a big smile. Pulling her to the couch, come on I think we have earned ourselves an episode of Sherlock, you need to watch the last episode of season 2.

Lisa sat down on the couch as Karen popped in the DVD. Lisa couldn’t understand why on earth Karen would then place a box of tissues on the table. Karen sat down next to Lisa on the couch. “Hold onto your horses, this is a rollercoaster ride.” As the theme tune played, Lisa turned slightly to Karen. “Do you think this could go any further, I mean Benedict and I, do you think there is a chance?” Karen looked at Lisa, “Lisa there are no guarantees in life. Just go with it, whatever will be, will be.” Karen turned her attention back to the show; Lisa took this as end of the conversation. Just then her phones text tone went off. She looked at the unknown number. When she opened it, she could see it was send almost an hour ago. She nearly jumped out of her skin, when she saw from who it was. She quickly typed a reply.

*Sorry just got your text; I am safe at home, thanks for great night. Lisa*

As the battery was about to die, she quickly ran to her room, plugging her phone in to charge. She went back to the couch, turning her attention back to the show, it was so intense. By the time Sherlock was standing on the roof, and Moriarty was lying dead behind him, Lisa was sobbing into one of the throw pillows. Karen placed an arm around Lisa holding her tightly. When John was standing by Sherlock’s grave she was calming down, the camera zoomed in on Sherlock’s face and Lisa jumped up onto the couch jumping up and down, “I knew he couldn’t be dead!” Karen shook her head “You liar, you cried like a baby!” Lisa looked down at Karen, her face broke into a smile, “Says the one who was crying just as hard, and you knew what was coming.” Lisa sat down again on the couch next to Karen. “Please say there is another season” Karen got up and headed to the television. Lisa was snuggling into the couch again, getting ready for the next episode. Karen switched off the television, placing the DVD back in his case. “Sorry I had to wait 2 years, so you can wait until tomorrow.” Karen took the DVD and walked to the door, “Sweet dreams.” Lisa stared after at her, mouth open. “Come on you can’t be that cruel” Lisa sighed and decided to call it a night walking to her room.

When she walked into her room, she saw the light flashing on her phone. She opened the text and read it

*I was about to send out a search party. Ben*

*What are you doing?*

The last one again was a while ago, and looking at the time, Lisa saw it was almost 1am, she decided to not send a text back, she was sure he was already asleep. She quickly went to the bathroom, doing her evening ablutions, when she got back to her room, dressed in her flannel checked pants and a tank top, her eye was caught again by the flashing light. She grabbed her book and phone from the dresser, and hopped into her bed. Reading the text

*Lisa should I be worried? Are you okay? Please answer. Ben*

Lisa smiled, and quickly typed a text back.

*Sorry, phone was charging while I watched you jump of a building, thought it was too late to answer. Lisa*

Lisa got under the covers, opening her book and starting to read. She heard her phone buzzing again. She finished reading the sentence, checking her phone again.

*Oh no, please say you didn’t, I am sorry. Are you okay? B*

*Karen introduced me to it, it’s a great show, I’m okay now, so sad when he did that. L*

*Should I come over and comfort you ;) B*

This made Lisa giggle, before she could even answer him, the phone buzzed again. She almost fumbled with it, she was so excited.

*That was an extremely bad attempt at flirting. My brain isn’t functioning this late. Sweet dreams. B*

*I thought it was cute way of flirting. Sweet dreams Mr. Cumberbatch. L*

Lisa decided to try and get some sleep, switching off the light and snuggling into her duvet, her last thoughts before falling asleep was of a tall, dark haired blue/green eyed man, holding her close to him, her face in his hands. His thumb stroking her bottom lip before he leans closer, capturing her lips with his. Kissing her passionately.

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