Chapter 17

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A/N: I apologise once again for taking so long, it’s been a rough week. Working on the next chapter already so hopefully the wait won’t be that long. As always, thank you for reading. Let me know what you thought.

It was a teary goodbye at the airport, Lisa standing in the queue to go through security, she kept glancing back at her parents, and in front of them in a wheelchair her grandfather who insisted on coming to the airport. As the security guard took Lisa’s passport and ticket she turned back one last time waving to the small group. She grabbed the documents back from the guard, dashing through the gate, trying to hide the tears that started running down her cheeks. She found a seat in the departure terminal, taking deep breaths trying to calm herself down. She heard her phone ringing and wiping away the tears she answered it. “Lisa, its Karon, sweetie, I just wanted to check with you that you are boarding now?” Lisa almost started crying again at Karon’s concerned tone, swallowing the lump in her throat, she nodded before remembering Karon couldn’t see her, “Ye- Yes I am.” She said, clearing her throat. “I will have a car waiting for you, and Lisa, don’t worry about Bert, Ben and I have it all under control, you go back to work, leave it to us.” Lisa could hear the concern in Karon’s voice, but she also liked her no nonsense behaviour. “Thank you Karon, I appreciate it.” She felt relieved; it felt good to have someone else deal with the problem. Switching off her phone she headed to the plane, falling asleep almost as soon as they were airborne, she was going home.


Benedict enjoyed the couple of days off, taking the time to soak in the warm Australian sun, he wasn’t really bothered by the fans here, and when they did corner him, he found they were in small easily managed groups, he checked his emails each day, checking with Karon that everything was still going according to plan, and catching up with some friends, Tom kept emailing him at the strangest hours, but he realised that the time difference from Australia to Canada was several hours. They kept missing each other. And since Lisa is heading back to England the time gap also increases. Sometimes he felt so isolated on these trips, and he found himself looking forward to the comic con this weekend. He heard his talks were sold out, still he couldn’t believe that someone would pay to hear him talk, and worse to watch him. Lounging in the sun, he picked up yet another script, starting to read it and was lost immediately; it was only when his phone rang a couple of hours later that he realised how long he was sitting in the sun.

Looking at the caller ID he smiled, “Hallo mother, how are you?” she gave a soft chuckle, “Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch, why do I have to read in the papers that you have a girlfriend?” Benedict couldn’t help laughing at his mothers’ mock angry voice, “It’s good to hear from you too mother, I wanted to phone you but I was busy.” He could feel his mother raising her eyebrow at him, “You are not too old for a spanking young man.” Benedict cleared his throat, “What do you want to know mother?” Wanda gave an exasperated sigh, “No nothing it’s not every day my one and only son, finds a new girl and then falls in love with her if I have to believe the papers.” Benedict rolled his eyes, “Mother, I was busy and thought you would appreciate it if I told you in person, but since you have to know, her name is Lisa, she is currently a photographer for a local London based newspaper, and we are planning on announcing this on Friday.” He said hurriedly, hoping she wouldn’t question him further. “A photographer? Ben is she paparazzi?” Wanda’s voice was getting high pitched and he hated it when she took on this tone of voice with him. “Mother before I forget, I was invited to attend the Chelsea flower show and do an interview with the BBC and they asked that you join us.” Benedict knew this would sidetrack her for a while and he was right. “Oh how lovely,” she said excitedly “the last time I was there I couldn’t even see the flowers it was that crowded, and they wanted both of us?” Ben found himself relaxing again, stretching out on the lounger, “Yes mother both of us. Will you phone Karon, she has all the details. I need to go, I’m about to go into an interview.” Wanda quickly said goodbye and Benedict stretched out on the sun lounger, closing his eyes, breathing a sigh of relieve that he sidestepped his mother once again. 

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