Chapter 28

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A/N: Ben and his mum take a stroll through Chelsea flower show. Sorry it took so long, the scene just didn’t quite work for me.

Benedict and Wanda stroll along the paths, all the colours of the setup gardens assaults the senses. Benedict started feeling a little overwhelmed with all the cameras that were following them, the constant shutter sounds from the photographers everywhere. Wanda watched him carefully and after a while she pulled on his arm, “How about we find a spot to sit and chat, I’m sure we can get them to turn off the cameras for a little while.” Benedict smiled down at his mother, noting her bright blue eyes shining up at him. “That’s a great idea.”

Benedict started looking around to find a spot when the producer from BBC ran over. “Ben, Wanda.” He greeted them out of breath. “The two of you can finish this exhibition, and then you can take a couple of minutes break.” Wanda looked at Ben a slight blush colouring her cheeks. “I forgot about the microphones.” She mumbled under her breath. Benedict smiled down at her, placing his arm around her shoulders he gave her a quick hug, in the distance he could hear the shutter sounds of cameras going crazy and he rolled his eyes. “Its okay sweetheart, you agreed to this let’s get the next couple of hours over.” Wanda said against his chest. Stepping away from Ben she gave him a wink. “Chin up, chest out. Show the world you are a true gentleman.” Benedict smiled doing as she told him. Wanda turned towards the producer, “Don’t let me find any of this on the internet later, you boys do your jobs and edit that out, do you hear me? Don’t let me call your mum.” Wanda took Benedict’s hand leading him towards another display.

At another display there was a beautiful delicate piece of drift wood and soon both Wanda and Benedict were reminiscing over Ben’s grandmother’s obsession with drift wood. “These, couldn’t you have a tiny one in a tub?” Wanda asked, the wheels already working out where they would put it in Ben’s roof top terrace. “NO!” Benedict said decisively giving his mother one of his trademark smiles, his blue-green eyes sparkling. Wanda chuckled at Ben’s tone and noting he might have gone a little to far, Benedict started floundering, “It’s just its so exposed in the south sun.” After a long explanation, he felt he put the matter to rest, but as they turned Wanda looked back at the display, “I still think you should get it, it would be rather romantic.” She said winking at Benedict, “I agree, but I would need a bigger roof section.”

Turning back to the display he couldn’t help but think his mother was actually right; he could imagine spending a cool summer evening surrounded by the plants, a picnic blanket spread across the floor, with an assortment of snacks, Lisa in one of her beautiful dresses lying down next to him as they gazed up at the stars. Wanda walked back to where Ben had stopped, looking up into his face, she could see the far of gaze in his eyes, touching his arm lightly she saw him blinking his eyes a couple of times, coming back from wherever he had gone in his mind. “How about we take that break now?”

Benedict smiled as they left the section, there were more exhibitions that drew Wanda’s attention and the sun was starting to get really warm, even for a spring day. When they reached the outside exhibitions he placed his hat on his head, already realising he made a mistake in choosing this one, it had no protection against the sun. Benedict spotted a nice spot where he and Wanda could sit.

“Oh look, a shaded seat for two, sit the down mother.” Wanda chuckled at her son’s formal expression. “It’s quite comfortable isn’t it?” Benedict laughed at the cement seats. “So what do you think mum? Of Chelsea?” he asked “Oh I think it’s wonderful, thank you very much for bringing me along, it’s just lovely, I would never have gotten here without you.” Wanda replied feeling proud of her son, for everything he has accomplished. Benedict leaned over giving her a hug, when he sat back he waved to the producer, indicating that they should stop the cameras.

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