-chαρtεr twεlυε: thε gιrl-

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Chapter Twelve- The Girl

"Hey," I huffed as I climbed into Toby's car which was parked a few houses down. He said he would pick me up, but since my parents hate him now, I knew he couldn't just pick me up at my house. I had told them that I was going for a walk to the park and that if I wasn't back in a few hours I had gone to get ice-cream. They apparently believed me enough to let me go without having to bring Ethan with me.

"Good to see you got away from your parents without a fuss," Toby laughed, as I buckled myself up and he started driving off down the road. Nodding, I was glad that my parents hadn't threw a fit about me leaving either and focused on what was ahead rather than behind. "I need to stop at the store quick to pick up some things, but after we can get started on Tabby again," he told, making me nod once more as he pulled into a parking spot and we both got out of the car.

"If we split the list we can get it over with faster? What do you need me to get for you?" I asked him once we entered into the shop, sending him to rip in half the written list he had and give me one half.

"I'll meet you back here when you're done," he said, before kissing me quick on the cheek and heading off to the other side of the store. Reading that the first item he needed was rope, I took off towards the section where I would most likely be to find it.

Camping supplies galore surrounded me, as I found the rope he was looking for and gathered it into my arms.

"Well that was easier than I thought to find," I said out loud to myself, turning around to search for the next thing he needed when I ran straight into someone. "Sorry!" I fretted, looking up to the man who I stumbled into and trying my best to apologize. Immediately once I laid eyes on him, though, I fell back into the shelf of supplies in terror. It was him. It was Renn.

"You're easier to find than I thought too," he grumbled, grabbing onto my arm tightly and pushing a gun to my side. "If you try anything, I will shoot you," he mumbled, before pulling me along to the emergency exit out the back. Sirens going off as he pushed the door open, he didn't seem to care one bit that he could possibly be caught in the moment.

"Please let me go, I won't tell anyone that you were here," I begged, although I knew it was useless. Kidnappers alike never listened to their victims.

"Get in the car," he ordered, shoving me hard into the backseat of his gray Lincoln and pushing my hands behind my back. Tying them tight with a zip-tie, he pushed me back and slammed the door, getting into the driver's seat and taking off down a back road.

Cheek stinging and eyes welling with tears, I looked back at the shop that we were now leaving from and wished that I never had left Toby. That would have never happened if we stayed together and now it was all my fault that I was being taken again. Toby wouldn't be able to find me, I was gone for good this time. There was no escaping and I knew it.

Tossed on my side like I was dead already, I tried getting up and sitting straight, but before I could do anything at all Renn's hand came back like a dart; covering my mouth with a cloth and sending me to doze off...


"Get up!" I heard, before a strong force hit against my stomach and my eyes flung open in pain. Coughing and hacking from the force, I looked up to see Dee and Renn before me, standing with a smirk glued on their face.

"Welcome back," Dee stated, his monster of a self hovering above me as same did Renn's.

"Where am I?" I stuttered, collecting myself up against a back wall of the small room we were in. Everything looked much different than the cabin I had resided in for so long, cleaner if I had to tell it apart by a word. It almost looked like someone lived here and we were breaking in.

"You're back where you belong and that's all that matters," Renn told, kneeling down to my level and brushing his fingers through my hair. "Don't worry about Toby, he won't find you here," he whispered, sending tears to leak from my eyes even more than they had before. I didn't want to believe him, but like I told myself earlier, it was true. No one gets found a second time. "Put her with the other one," he told Dee, before standing back up and leaving the room completely.

Looking to Dee above me, he grabbed a hold of my arm and tugged me up fast, before opening a small cellar door on the ground and throwing me down inside.

Closing my eyes tight in anticipation of hitting the ground hard, instead my landing was soft and comfortable, and without a single bone broken. Looking up as Dee closed the cellar, there was barely any light left, except for a small lantern in the corner of the room.

"Hello?" I asked, confused as to what Renn said about there being another person down here since it seemed pretty empty to me. Crawling off from the soft bedding underneath me, I went over to the lantern and picked it up, shoving light into every crevice of darkness there was. It was then I saw her, a small figure curled up in the corner. Rushing over to the girl, I touched her gently on the side, trying to see if she was alive or not. With a shriek she pushed herself away from me, almost as if from instinct.

"No, no, it's okay. My name's Hope, I'm not here to hurt you," I told, the girl looking up at me with big brown eyes filled with fear. It was then as I took in her curly brown hair and perfection, the picture Toby showed me hanging up on his wall came into my head and my eyes lit up. "Are you Tabby? Tabitha Montomer?"

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