-chαptєr fσur: thє tαlk-

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Chapter Four- The Talk

"What's going on?" he asked, looking over to me, who was wrapped up in a pink and white polka dotted shower curtain. I was about to say something, but my mind got sidetracked for a second as I looked at what he wore: a tight blue dress shirt with a black tie, along with black pants and dress shoes. He definitely looked amazing in all aspects, especially tonight. "Hope?" he questioned, making me jump away from my thoughts and concentrate more on what was going on rather than what he looked like. Immediately then from thinking that, my mind caught up with what was going on and my eyes bugged out. Toby was in my bathroom!

I guess that's what I got, though, for I was the one to scream out after just running away from a kidnapper...which probably made every living person in the house think I was being kidnapped again. But why had Toby come to help me and not my dad or mom?

"What are you doing? Get out!" I said frantically, wrapping the curtain around my small body some more as I got embarrassed fast that he was seeing me this way. His eyes never once left mine though, which made me immediately know that he wasn't interested in looking at my body, like I thought he was. He was merely trying to help again.

"I heard you scream and I thought something was wrong," he told me, still never leaving his eyes from mine.

"I just fell, but how come my parents didn't come to help me? Why did you, didn't you know this is the bathroom?" I questioned, looking away from him and trying to stand up from the slippery flooring with the curtain still wrapped tightly around me.

"Your mom is at the store to get some more ingredients for dinner, and your dad and Ethan are both downstairs watching football in their 'man cave' apparently. I was down there too, but then I asked for something to drink and they told me to help myself upstairs... which is when I heard you. I thought it was something urgent, so I didn't want to waste time getting your dad up here," he told me calmly, grabbing my hand and helping me out of the shower.

I let him help, considering my head was throbbing in unwanted pain from hitting it against the wall when I fell and nodded to his story, understanding it completely.

"Well, thanks...again," I told him, as I stepped out onto the cold bathroom tiles.

"No problem," he smiled, while letting my hand go and walking over to the bathroom door. "I'll just be getting back downstairs then if you're oka-" he was about to finish his sentence, but I cut him off when I accidentally tripped on the shower curtain around me and fell directly into Toby's arms.

"Oh dear Lord, I'm so sorry. God, I'm such a mess when it comes to walking with shower curtains around me," I laughed nervously, considering I just fell into him, the hottest guy I had ever laid eyes on. I was right calling myself a goner when I had first met him, because falling for hot guys was always the problem. They either one, had a girlfriend... or two, were selfish, arrogant idiots who cared more about looks and football than a girl's feelings.

"It's okay, Hope. Really," he sweetly said, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me over to my bed. "Why don't you get changed, I'll go get some ice for your head...it looks like you hurt it. I'll notify your dad too," he told me, as he left the room within the second, closing the door behind him. I then was left there alone, as I threw the shower curtain off me and dried my dripping wet body off, slipping into a short navy blue strapless dress.

I smiled when I looked at myself in the mirror after putting on makeup, shaving, and brushing through my hair, all which I haven't done in a long, long time. I looked way better than before, that was for sure. I looked...like myself again and in that moment I was glad that we had company over, so that I would have a reason to dress up once again.

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