-chαρtεr sενεп: thε κıss-

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Chapter seven- The kiss

I awoke to darkness all around me, making me immediately jump up in the bed I was placed in. Where am I? I wondered, as I tried looking around some more, but effortlessly failing. It was then I started freaking out as to where I was and began climbing off the bed I was placed on, screaming once I felt someone beside me.

"Stay away from me!" I screamed again, as I kicked the person beside me straight in the head it seemed.

"Woah, woah, Hope calm down," I heard the person groggily say, as they carefully grabbed me in their arms and held me tight so I would stop kicking. It was then, I realized I was being held by Toby, who I had just woke up from kicking. "You fell asleep here last night, I called your mom to tell her that and she said it was fine," Toby told me, sending me to relax, as I took a deep breath in and apologized for kicking him. "It's okay, why don't you get some more rest," he whispered, as he lowered both of us down onto his bed completely and wrapped me up in his arms.

"I don't know..." I whispered, moving my way out of his arms and sitting back up. I liked having him comfort me, but in all honesty, it just seemed a little too out there tonight.

"Hope..." I heard Toby whine behind me, as I turned to face the opposite direction of him. "Hope..." I heard him once more, making me groan and slowly turn to face him.

"What?" I asked, noticing the way his eyes seemed to sparkle in the moonlight that now shined through the windows. He didn't say anything in response, yet looked at me and smiled, before pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Toby, no," I blushed, looking away a bit and hoping he couldn't see the deep red my cheeks were turning. That one gesture sure meant more than anything he had ever done before and I knew that this time it wasn't just a friendly remark, yet something more...

 Right then, within the second of thinking that, Toby gently pulled my face back to look at him and kissed me ever so carefully on the lips.

"I'm falling for you, just like how you fell in that shower: fast and unexpectedly," I heard Toby whisper after his warm pink lips left mine, leaving me to stare back at him in pure and utter shock...


"Tomorrow we go," Toby said as he entered into my room abruptly the next day, after dropping me off and going to work. I immediately jumped up from not expecting him at all to be here and scooted back in my bed. Last night was something I knew neither of us forgot, especially the kiss we shared, and so I was definitely not eager to see Toby soon after it. I just thought this all was going too fast... "Sorry, I thought you heard me come in?" he laughed, while sitting himself down on the bed as well and looking over to me.

"Nope, I didn't," I told, nudging him in the shoulder. He gave a quick laugh at my attempt to nudge him I presume, but quickly stopped as he spoke.

"Really though, tomorrow we have to go to find Tabby. I'll pick you up at noon, tell your parents that you won't be out long with me, then around five we will come back. I'll bring the guns and the map you drew, and we will be off," he ended, making me bite my lip hard. A part of me was anxious for what I volunteered for, but another part of me was glad that it was happening...that I might actually be able to get revenge. "Hope, I promise nothing will happen. And if something were to, I'd protect you.." he whispered, making me look up over to him and smile. I liked the reassurance...

"Alright," I nodded, glad that he never brought up the kiss during our conversation. Like it didn't even happen. "Tomorrow it is,"

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