-chαρtєr fιftєєn: thє мαchιnє-

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Chapter Fifteen: The Machine

My eyes fluttered open to a bright light above me, which I groaned slightly in pain from and positioned my glance elsewhere. Looking to my right I saw Toby asleep in a chair beside the bed I was placed in, making me wonder where I was and what was going on. Looking around as to where I was more, I noticed the all too familiar hospital room and immediately memories swarmed back to me.

"I need to see Tabby," I whispered to myself, shoving off the blankets covering me and pushing myself out of bed. The monitor behind the bed started beeping obnoxiously as I moved, but with a tug I ripped off the cords attached to me and stood up. 

I wasn't sure what they had done or given to me, but my legs didn't seem to what to behave the right way and within the instant I fell onto the floor in a heap. The monitors screeched in defiance as I laid on the floor, which made me agitated as I thought I had taken everything off of me for it to detect.

"Hope?" I heard Toby say, followed by a loud thud of his chair as he pushed it back and came over to me. "Hope what are you doing? What happened?" he said worried, helping me up from the floor within the second and placing me back on the bed. His hands held onto my waist to keep me steady, as his mouth opened to yell for a doctor. Before any words could come out of him though, I threw my hand up to block his lips and made him look to me.

"I need to see Tabby," I told him, his worried eyes looking to my tired ones. "Let me go," I said with anger, pushing him away from me and trying once more to stand up. My knees wobbled and tried to knock me down, but I stood steadier than last time and took a step to grab onto the sink nearby for help.

"Hope, Hope, stop! You need to lay back down, you can't be up right now," Toby told, coming over to me and trying to pick me up, but I darted out of the room before even I knew how to think. "Hope!" I heard Toby yell behind me, as my legs ran faster than I knew was possible for a girl who couldn't even stand a minute ago.

Stopping in my path once I noticed her room, I entered without another thought. Barging open the door, my hospital gown nearly flung off from the force I put into it, but it was all worth it when I saw her before me. She laid in the dark room in bed, but she wasn't sleeping one bit. Her eyes met with mine as I entered, a smile forming on her lips as I came over and hugged her tight. She embraced me as I embraced her and I knew right then that everything was going to be okay.

"Tabby I'm so glad you're okay!" I smiled, releasing from our hug and looking down to her. Immediately then the door burst open again, revealing a worn out Toby. Locking my fingers onto the side of her bed rails, I didn't intend on leaving her anytime soon and watched as he looked to me with disapproving eyes.

"Why did you run away!" he asked me, as he came over to Tabby and I.

"I told you I needed to see Tabby and I wasn't letting anyone get in the way of me doing so," I replied, listening as Toby let out a heavy sigh and sat back into the chair behind me.

"You're so hard to control, you know that right?" he laughed, making me giggle and nod back as I knew I was. However, he knew what he was signing up for with me from the start, so he shouldn't be complaining. "How about this, you can stay with Tabby until anyone notices, but then you need to cooperate," he said once more, making me sigh but agree since it was only fair.

"Come here," Tabby whispered, as she scooted over in bed and made a spot for me to lay beside her. Climbing in, I laid next to her as if I hadn't only met her a couple days ago and felt as Toby scooted his chair in closer to the bed to rub his hand against my back. As I laid there eye to eye with Tabby I couldn't have felt more glad that I was kidnapped the second time, for if I wasn't, I would never have found her.

My eyes became heavier with each movement of Toby's hand across my back and soon my eyes closed effortlessly and I was fast asleep...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2017 ⏰

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