Chapter 1: Stargazing

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I'm Gray and this is my story about the best and worst thing that ever happened to me.

"My beloved Gray!" Juvia squealed, as I walked through the guild doors.

"Ugh!" I rolled my eyes in frustration. Why does she do this to me? What did I do to deserve a stalker!? I wish she would forget me and move on!!

"You've been gone for 3 days now! How was the job?" She asked, looking eager to find out the answer.

"It was good." I said, brushing her off. I wanted a drink. I walked over to the bar and sat on a stool, as Mira gave me a drink.

"You should be nicer to her!" She said, putting her arm on the table and resting her arm on it. "She really likes you! If you want to reject her you need to be gentle! She is easily hurt, two would make a good couple!" Mira said, nudging my arm as I gave her an eye roll.

"Yeah, right." I said, getting up from my seat and heading over to the table where Erza, Lucy, Natsu, Happy and Juvia were sitting. "Hey, guys. What's up?" I asked as I casually sat down between Lucy and Juvia.

"How about we answer that question when you put on some pants!" Lucy said, sassily giving me an irritated look.

"WHOOPS!" I said, jumping out of my seat.

"I like what Gray is wearing already." Juvia said, looking at me with hearts in her eyes.

"Creepy!" I yelled, as I put my clothes back on.

"Awe! Ice princess is embarrassed!" Natsu said, mocking me.

"Who are you calling ice princess, Flame breath?!" I yelled back, our heads together in a clash of red and blue.

"Stop that, you morons!" Erza said angrily, putting a fist on the table.

"Aye, Sir!" Natsu and I said in unison, while putting our arms around each other's shoulders. She seemed satisfied with our reactions and went back to eating her strawberry cake.

"Why don't we all go on a job together?! Like we used to do!" Natsu said, pumping his fist in the air. He was such an idiot!

"That sounds delightful." Erza said, with a smile.

"I'm in!" Lucy said, grinning at Natsu.

"Aye, Sir!" Happy replied enthusiastically.

"C-could I-I come?" Juvia asked nervously, looking at Natsu.

"Of course! The more the merrier." Natsu said, reassuring her. She started to smile.

"What about you Gray!?" Natsu asked impatiently.

I looked from side to side. "I don't know.." I answered, debating whether or not I should go. "I just got back from a job and--"

Lucy cut me off. "--But Wendy won't be there because she's out with Romeo and Carla! Please, it would be wierd without you!" She said, looking at me and I smiled.

"Fine, I'll come!" I said. Natsu fist bumped in the air.

"Let's go pick a good one!" Erza said excitedly. All I could think was 'what have I gotten myself into'. Unfortunately for me, I didn't know. We walked over to the request board to pick a job.

"What about this one!" Lucy said, pulling a request off the board. It read, go to the mountains, fight and defeat 10 snow monsters. 500 000 Jule!

"Sounds good to me!" I said, now actually looking forward to this job.

"Me, too!"Juvia said, as she wrapped her arm around mine. I quickly unhooked her arm from mine and walked to the other side of the group.

"Well, let's go! We have no time to waist." Erza said with enthusiasm.

"Aye!" Happy yelled, as he and Natsu ran and flew out of the guild hall getting a head start. Closely following was Lucy, who was running after them yelling, 'wait up!' Erza, Juvia and I walked out at a normal pace, we had begun our journey. I just wish I would have known where it would end. First, we went to this guy that Erza knows who drove us as far as he could with his cart. Then, to Natsu's delight, we decided to walk the rest of the way. It was a tall mountain, so we decided somewhere halfway we would stop and stay the night. When we got to the hotel we got two rooms. One for the boys and one for the girls. I hated this because I was trapped in a room with Natsu and his stupid cat for an entire night.

"Well, this is going to suck." I mumbled under my breath as I walked into the room closely followed by Natsu and Happy.

"Well, I'm just as upset about it as you are!" Natsu said childishly.

"At least you don't have to put up with a moron!" I said, trying to get under his skin.

"Hey!" Natsu said. "You want to fight!?" Natsu asked angrily.

"Well..." My insult was cut off by Erza kicking down the door. It swung out and crashed into the wall next to it. She startled me and now, Natsu and I had our eyes glued to Erza. Her eyes were filled with fury.

"What do you two think you're doing!?" Erza said, still staring daggers at us. "We're in a hotel! I swear if you start to fight in this building, I WILL hurt you both!" She yelled as she slammed the door. Natsu and I looked at each other in terror.

"I like that idea!" Natsu said, trying to cover up his fear with a fake smile.

"Y-yeah, me too!" I said as I laid down on one of two beds. 'I wonder what the girls are doing?' I looked over at the clock, 2:36am. 'WOW, how long was I laying awake just thinking? Well, since sleeping is out the window, I might as well get up and do something.' I thought to myself, as I quietly stepped out of the room that had two snoring idiots in it. I walked down the halls of the deserted hotel. Then, I heard something. It was a rustling noise. I looked out a nearby open window. I saw Juvia sitting alone on the edge of a gently sloping hill, looking up at the huge cluster of stars directly in front of her. I walked out the nearest door and went to where she was. Her hair was gently flowing in the wind and the colour was almost a match to the sky, which was a dazzling dark blue shade.

"Juvia," I whispered softly, while tapping her shoulder. She jumped slightly when I did so.

"Oh, Gray! You scared me." She said with a slight smile. Her eyes were sparkling in the moonlight. They were extremely dark blue. I sat next to her in silence as we just stared at the stars. Then, I felt her head gently touch my shoulder and I put my arm around her. We didn't say anything, yet I felt like a thousand words were said. In the sky were two shooting stars that flew above our heads.

"Quick! Make a wish, Juvia." I exclaimed.  Juvia closed her eyes tightly for a few seconds, making her nose crinkle up. When she opened her eyes, she looked at me. I wished on the stars, too.

"What did you wish, Gray?" Juvia asked curiously, tilting her head to the side a little.

"If I say, then it won't come true." I said, with a grin. She smiled back, blushing a bit. "We should probably go back inside now." I remarked, her smile fading slightly.

"Yeah, we probably should." She said, looking down sadly.

"Hey." I said, grabbing her chin and lifting it so her eyes would meet mine. "I'll walk you back to your room." Her smile returned. I walked with her beside me, still silent. I stopped in front of her room which was right next to mine.

"Goodnight, Gray-sama!" She whispered, looking through her slightly open door.

"Goodnight, Juvia."

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