Chapter 7: Working With Lyon

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I woke up this morning and felt like crap. Lyon! Why does she like Lyon!? I need to forget her, but that's harder than I thought.

"Hey, Gray." Lucy exclaimed awkwardly.

"Oh..uh..hi?" I replied, I am not in the mood to talk.

"Hey! Would you like to go on a job with us!?" She remarked with a sympathetic smile. "You haven't really been doing much of anything lately, since.." She added. She was right, but I don't know if I should go with them or not.

"I don't know Lucy, I just feel like sitting here." I replied as I laid my head down on the table.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun!" Lucy added hopefully.

"Ugh, alright! I'll come." I answered, still not wanting to go.

"Alrighty! Meet us at the train station at 12:00pm!" She smiled and walked away. I heard someone come into the guild hall, I looked up to see Juvia laughing and holding hands with Lyon. I gritted my teeth, trying to hold back my anger. Anger soon turned to sadness and jelousy. I put my head back down on the table.

"H-hey Gray," Mira sweetly said while putting her hand lightly on my back. "I'm so sorry about what happened. I shouldn't have been so..bossy." She added looking down.

"Mira, it's okay, It's not your fault." I replied, my head still planted firmly on the table. She waved as she returned to her spot at the bar. All I could think of was Juvia being with that dirt bag Lyon! I have never felt like this before, all I want is her. My greatest desire is to have her be mine, even if it was only for one day. I have to move on, if I don't Lyon will be dead before the end of the week! Even if Juvia can't be with me, I can still be her friend. With that thought I walked over to where Juvia and Lyon were sitting, I swallowed my pride and started to talk. "Hey guys, what's up!" I exclaimed as happily as I could muster.

"Hello Gray! I'm just great! How are you?" Lyon asked rubbing it in my face. I tried to let it get to me.

"I'm alright," I answered trying to hold in my sadness. "Well, I have to go to a job...I'll talk to you guys later." I added because I saw the clock said 11:47am.

"Oh look at the time! We have to go to a job too!" Juvia remarked. "We're going to the train station!" Juvia added.

"Hey, that's where I'm going too! Can I walk with you guys there?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah! That sounds great." Juvia said with a smile. I didn't think this was going to be so bad! Until I saw them get out of their seat and interlock fingers. The sadness creeped back in. About 7 minutes of awkward silence later we arrived at the train station.

"Hey Lucy! Hope we're not late." Juvia greeted. Oh no, I know exactly what this is.

"Wait! Are you two doing a job with Lucy!?" I asked in horror. The last thing I want is to spend time with Juvia and Lyon together.

"Yeah we are, why?" Juvia answered.

"Yep! All three of you are coming on a mission with Natsu Erza and I!" Lucy replied as Lyon and I glared at each other. When Juvia noticed what Lyon was doing she frowned at him and motioned for him to stop, he didn't. We all got on the train and sat down.

"How is Lyon allowed to work with us if he isn't from our guild?" I asked, thinking I had found a loophole.

"Well, he isn't going to be going on the job with us," Lucy answered, "he is going to stay at the hotel." She added.

"Yep! I couldn't go 2 days without my lovely Juvia!" He replied, smiling evilly at me.

"Well, Lucy and Natsu have refrained from telling us about the mission which concerns me." Erza stated, looking to Lucy for answers.

"Well, there is a big fancy party for this rich guy and he's concerned about people he doesn't want getting in, getting in." Lucy answered, "there are three entrances so, we will have to split up." She added.

"We figured that since Erza is *cough" currently *cough* the strongest, she should go alone, I'll be with Luce which leaves you two." Natsu remarked while looking at Juvia and I. I looked at her and she smiled at me.

"That'll work, I guess." I replied, still hesitant.

"Sounds good!" Juvia said, I smiled to myself.

"I don't know if I'm okay with this." Lyon retorted angrily.

"Oh Lyon! It'll be fine! Trust me." Juvia replied smiling at Lyon, his anger slowly turned to happiness.

"Well then! It's settled!" Lucy added in her normal perky attitude.

"W-why!? T-t-troya!" Natsu remarked while he laid his head on top of Lucy's lap, completely sick.

"Oh Natsu!" Lucy exclaimed while running her hands through his hair. I crossed my arms, scooted forward in my seat and tried to get some sleep.

Sorry about the short chapter! I have really exciting things happening in the book soon!! I can't wait!

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