Chapter 8: Guarding the Mansion

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"We're here!" Lucy yelled as Natsu excitedly jumped off his seat.

"Huh.." I replied groggily.

"Oh, were here." Juvia answered tapping me on the shoulder.

"And where is 'here' exactly!?" I asked, realising that I never asked where we were even going.

"We're in a small town about 3 hours from Magnolia! It's called..." Juvia trailed off as she looked at a map to double check the name. "Riverside!" She added triumphantly.

"Oh, okay!" I replied, "how long is this job anyway?" I asked.

"Well, the party is tonight so we'll be going home tomorrow afternoon." Lucy answered with a smile. "Our guarding job ends at 11:00pm so Natsu and I got us two rooms at the nearest hotel!" she added.

"Wait! Two rooms!?" I asked in horror, I knew exactly what this meant.

"Yeah! Boys and girls." Erza said confirming my suspicion.

"Ughhhhh!!!!!!!" I let out a huge groan when I realised that not only would I be sharing a room with flame brain but Lyon too! This couldn't get any worse!


When we got to the hotel, which was small, we went over to the front desk to talk to the manager.

"Hello! 2 rooms for Dragneel!" Lucy announced when she approached the short scruffy looking man with big glasses resting on the brim of his nose.

"Ah! Here you go!" The man replied handing Lucy two keys.

"Thank you!" She remarked as she lead us to the rooms. We entered them and I emmediatily laid down because despite my nap, all I wanted to do was lay there. It was 4:00pm and our job starts at 9:00pm.

"What do you ice princesses say we go explore with the girls!?" Natsu asked, I was a little annoyed by the nickname but I'm too down to do anything.

"Why not! It's a good opportunity to spend some time with Juvia!" Lyon said, looking directly at me with an evil smile.

"Well I'm not going!" I replied with annoyance.

"Oh come on! You can hangout with Erza!" Natsu exclaimed as I glared at him.

"I'm not in the mood." I stated as I rolled over in my bed to face the wall.

"Oh come on crybaby! You don't want to leave Lyon alone with Juvia do you?" Natsu whispered the last part in my ear. He's right! I can't leave Lyon alone with Juvia! Who knows what he would do to her!

"Fine, I'll come." I reluctantly agreed.


Why did I come! This is the worst walk I've ever been on. Natsu and Lucy were walking together in the front of the pack as Juvia and Lyon walked hand in hand behind them. Erza decided to stay back at the hotel which left me walking alone in the very back. I was quite the whole time other then to order my food at the restraint we decided to go to for dinner.

"Oh no!" Lucy exclaimed looking at the time. "We have to go! Now!!" She added with terror in her eyes.

"What!? Why!? I'm not done!!" Natsu wined as she dragged him out of the restaurant. Juvia, Lyon and I followed close behind.

"We have 3 minutes to get to the mansion before were late! And if we're late Erza will have our heads!" When Lucy said the last part about Erza Natsu started to get really nervous.

"WE'D BETTER GET GOING THEN!" Natsu yelled in fear as he grabbed Lucy by the waist, threw her over his shoulder and ran as fast as he could towards the huge house starting to form in the distance.


"Why are you LATE!" Erza yelled as her eyebrow started to twitch with anger.

"Uh..we..uh..uhhhh." Natsu stuttered in anticipation. His fear was realized when Erza slammed his body into the dirt. "Eeeeekkkk" Natsu squealed in pain.

"I wish I could beat you all up but I don't have time for that!" She growled. We all cowered in fear and walked into the room.

"Hello! You must be the wizards that I hired to guard my party!?" Asked a chubby man with a long beard stood before us.

"We sure are!" Lucy answered enthusiastically, her enthusiasm made me more depressed.


We split up and I was now standing awkwardly with Juvia in front of the door. We weren't talking to each other and it was killing me.

"So, how's life?" I asked trying to break the silence. I instantly regretted it.

"Oh, uh..good?" She said looking down. Her hair draped over her face which made me sad because I knew she couldn't be mine. "I'm sorry I made this awkward. I wish we could be like we used to." She added sadly.

"W-we still can." I replied as she smiled at me.

"Hey! We're here for the pahtey!" A young man said while motioning to his friend.

"No one is suppose to be using this door." Juvia explained, the men looked annoyed.

"Oh come on sweets!" He replied stepping closer to Juvia.

"You needed to go to another door!" I explained again stepping closer to them this time.

"Huh, I thought we could do this the easy way! I guess not." The man said with an evil glint in his eye. They threw off their large coats to reveal armour. Perfect! Re-quip mages. One of the men pulled out a giant sward and the other pulled out an ax. One of the men swung his sward at Juvia but it went through her water body. "What!?" He asked in confused horror.

"Water slicer!" Juvia yelled as she threw her attack at him. Perfect hit, he went flying in the air and slammed to the ground. His sward disappeared.

"Ice make hammer!" I yelled swinging my attack at the guy with the ax. He threw his ax at me and I tried to dodge but it cut my chest. "Ahhh!" I groaned in pain. Juvia shot her head over to me. "I-I'm alright." I said as I clenched my fist. The man re-quiped to a large double edged sward with spikes on the the edge. He swung it at me but I made an ice shield and blocked the attack. "ICE MAKE LANCE!" I yelled as my attack flew by my sides and hit the man in front of me. Now they both laid unconscious on the ground.

"We should call the guard." Juvia exclaimed as she ran to the communication device that the rich man gave us.

"Ahh." I grunted as I feel to my knees.

"Gray!" Juvia screamed as she ran to my side. The cut was worse than I thought and I was losing allot of blood. She grabbed a first aid kit that they gave us and opened it. It contained a bandage, disinfectant and a cloth. Juvia laid me up against the wall so I could sit up. "I-I'm sorry." She remarked sadly as she started to put some of the disinfectant on the cloth.

"Why? It's not your fault!" I replied.

"Yes it is. I should've done something!" She said with tears in her eyes. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"You didn't know." I tried to reassure her but she didn't look satisfied. She put the cloth on my cut chest and it burned.

"Ahhh!" I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist. Juvia was focused on cleaning me up. She slowly wiped away all the blood and pulled out the bandage. She wrapped my cut and tied it off. Once she was finished she rested her hand on the bandage and looked up at me. I smiled at her, I could feel her breath on my face. Her beautiful blue happy was blowing slightly in the wind and her tearstained face was smiling at me.

"What happened!!" Erza yelled from behind us and helped us to our feet. I almost fell but Erza and Juvia were holding me up on both sides. We all walked back to the hotel and they laid me I'm my bed. I couldn't stop thinking about how she looked at me. How I felt when she touched me. Then I drifted off into a deep sleep.

Sorry about the late chapter!!! I've been really busy with school! I hope you like the chapter!!


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