Chapter 10: The Truth Revealed

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"Explain!? Explain what!?" Lyon yelled angrily.

"Well..I..I.." Juvia stuttered as tears ran down her face.

"What do you mean Juvia?" I asked.

"Gray, I.." Juvia tried to speak but something prevented her from talking.

"Wait! Just..Let me explain." Mira exclaimed as she emerged from the crowd. "Juvia..never had amnesia." She revealed ashamedly.

"What!?" Everyone yelled at once.

" that true!?" Lyon squirmed. Juvia nodded in affirmation. Lyon's eyes widened with shock and rage. "H-how could you!? You lied to me! You lied to everyone!" He squealed. I don't know what to think.

"While Juvia was in the infirmary after getting injured, I told her to pretend to have amnesia because it would make Gray love her. So, don't blame Juvia...I'm to blame." Mira explained. "Later on I sent word to Lyon that Juvia had amnesia because I knew he would come running. Then I told her to 'date' him because I knew no one could make Gray want Juvia more than if she was dating Lyon. What I didn't count on was Gray getting hurt and Lyon fighting him. I never wanted it to turn out this way." Mira revealed as she looked down.

"SO, YOU NEVER REALLY LIKED ME!?" Lyon yelled angrily. Juvia nodded and he got angrier then ever! "I'm going home! I miss Sherry!" Lyon yelled as he stormed off.

"Gray I'm so--" Juvia was cut off by me smothering her in a huge hug.

"I don't care!" I exclaimed while still holding on to Juvia.

"But I lied to you! I played with your mind!" She cried, tears streaming down her stunningly beautiful face. I wiped them away and smiled at her.

"Juvia, I don't care how much you hurt me. I can't even feel that now. All I care about is that your safe and out of that horrible relationship." I stated as she began to smile. I looked around and the whole guild was watching us. "Ice make igloo!" I yelled as I formed an igloo above Juvia and me. Now we were alone. I wrapped my hands around Juvia's waist and pulled her closer as her head landed on my chest.

"Gray, I love you." Juvia said as she lifted her head off my chest and looked up at me.

"I love you too, Juvia." I exclaimed as I pulled her face closer to mine. She wrapped her hands around my neck and our lips touched. For the first time I was finally happy. This week was full of ups and downs but this moment, this few seconds made it all worth it! As we pulled apart I demolished the igloo to reveal only Mira standing outside.

"I did a good job, huh!?" She grinned. We glared at her but couldn't stay mad. Mira skipped back to the guild happily. Juvia just looked at each other and laughed. As I put my arm around her we looked up at the pink and orange sky that was above us. After a while we decided to go back to the guild.

And the rest is history.

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