Chapter 4: Up Early

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"JUVIA!" I jolted awake. Sweat dripping from my face. I haven't been able to sleep well ever since the accident. I keep playing it over and over in my head. She got thrown, and the snow. My thoughts were broken when I looked at my clock, 4:37am. "Ugh," I sighed as I dragged myself out of my bed. I looked in the mirror as I pulled on my clothes.

The air was brisk, it felt nice on my face. The cold had never really bothered me since Ur trained me. It felt like a ghost town, no one was anywhere. It was quiet, I wasn't used to this quiet. I liked it, the breeze blew through my hair making it sway. I put my hands in my pockets and looked down. All that was on my mind was her. As I walked past the rippled water I stopped for a second and took a deep breath. Cool air filled my lungs and as I exhaled I saw it. There sat a familiar bluenette, her hair lightly blowing in the breeze. She sat on the edge of the river with her legs dangling off the edge, swinging back and forth. She looked at the water trickling by as her hands lay straight behind her to hold her up. I just stared at her, my heavy breaths making clouds in front of me. I was far enough away that she couldn't hear me. I could see her chest rising and falling as she breathed, she was also making clouds. I bit my lip as thoughts were racing through my head. Should I approach her? No. I started to walk the opposite way that she was. Every step I took I thought of turning around, but I didn't.

"Gray?" I heard Juvia's voice from behind me. I turned around to see that she was getting up from her spot on the edge. She started to walk towards me. "What are you doing up so early?'' she asked as she slightly pulled down the sleeves of her sweater to cover her palms. She crossed her arms and tensed her shoulders.

"I could ask you the same thing." I replied, she let out a little chuckle and smiled.

"I couldn't sleep," she said, looking down, her smile fading a bit. "Ever since.." she sighed.

"Yeah, me too." I said with the same expression as her's. "You look cold! Here." I exclaimed as I took off my dark blue jacket, exposing my bare arms and my red T-shirt with blue trim. I gently wrapped the jacket around Juvia, the fur collar tickling her neck. "Better?" I asked, smiling at her.

She smiled back. "Yeah." Was she..blushing!? "Hey, what's with your stripping habit?" She asked with a smirk.

"Oh..uh, how did you know about that!?" I asked in embarrassment.

"I saw Erza scolding you," she stated with a giggle. "Then Mira explained your 'habit'."

"Well, it started with my teacher. Ur, she told me that ice make wizards can't be I would take off my clothes to build up my endurance, I guess." I answered with an embarrassed smirk.

Juvia started to giggle more. "She sounds funny! Can I meet her?" Juvia asked as the smile quickly faded from my face.

"N-no, s-she's dead." I answered, slowly looking down. Juvia stopped walking and grabbed my arm.

"I'm so sorry, I can tell she meant a lot to you." She remarked with a sympathetic smile.

"It's alright, you didn't know." I said, smiling at her. We started walking again, her long wavy hair bouncing off her back. We were silent for a few minutes after that. I looked at my watch, 5:08am. Our silence was interrupted by barking. A vicious-looking dog charging right at us! Before I could do anything, the dog had pounced on me which knocked Juvia and me into the water beside us. The dog's owner grabbed him, put him on his leash, apologized and was on his way. Juvia and I climbed out of the water and Juvia seemed colder then ever.

"I-I'm s-sorry about y-your jacket." Juvia said through chattering teeth, as she gave me back my soaking wet jacket.

"My apartment is right over there," I explained as I pointed in front of us."Let's go get some dry clothes." I added with a smile. She smiled back and we walked towards my apartment.

When we got there, I looked in my drawers and picked out a dark blue hoodie and some sweat pants for Juvia, and a t-shirt and jeans for me. I handed the outfit to Juvia and she went to change in my bathroom. I changed in my bedroom and sat on my couch, waiting for Juvia. She came out of the bathroom and had tied her wet hair into a pair of French braids. She smiled and looked down. "Thanks for the clothes." Juvia remarked.

"No problem," I replied. "Hey, you want to walk to the guild with me?" I asked as Juvia walked towards me.

"Yeah, that sounds good," she answered with a smile.

"Well, let's go!" I said as I got off the couch and headed for the door.


"Hey, Gray?" Mira asked from her spot behind the bar.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Is Juvia wearing your sweater!?" She asked with a smirk. I started to blush.

"Well, yeah." Our conversation was interrupted when someone burst through the door.

"JUVIA! MY LOVE!!!" Lyon burst through the door of the guild and ran to Juvia.

"Who are you?" She asked, Lyon grabbed her arm.

"I heard about your amnesia and came as fast as I could!" He said with a huge smile. "I'll tell you all about me." He added, motioning towards the door.

"Okay." She replied as Lyon grabbed her arm and wrapped it around his. He escorted her outside and everything went back to normal. It was, at least, normal for the guild. I couldn't help but feel angry at Lyon.

"Should I go after her!?" I asked, turning to Mira who was drying glasses behind the bar.

"No! Absolutely not! You're trying to make her mad at you! You can't be nice to her. Just stay strong, I know it's hard to watch the person you like walking with someone else." Mira answered with a grin.

"Okay, I'll try." I said, looking down.

"Look at Lyon! He came when he heard that Juvia forgot you." Lucy remarked as she sat beside me at the bar. "He figured that now she doesn't love you so he actually has a chance with her now!" She added with a smile. "I think they're cute!" She exclaimed, giving me a glance.

"Y-yeah, I guess they do." I replied, gritting my teeth.

"Well, now that Juvia's gone, it's a perfect opportunity to talk about the plan! I'll get Loke!" Mira stated as she ran off to get Loke. I couldn't help but regret listening to Mira. I miss Juvia already!

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