Chapter 2: The day IT happened

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"Let us continue our journey!" Erza said enthusiastically.

"Yeah!" Lucy replied, as we checked out of the hotel and continued on our way to the mountain. It got colder and colder as we got closer, but it didn't bother me. Juvia was shivering and I felt bad. I wanted to give her my jacket, but I didn't want her to get the wrong idea. "I-I'm s-so c-cold!" Lucy said, her teeth chattering.

"Here! I can help you with that!" Natsu said, engulfing her with a hug. She started to smile, but as soon as reality hit her and she realized she was still in a group of people her smile faded.

"W-why don't I just bring out my clock." She said, raising her eye brows.

"Oh..uh, yeah, sure." He said, now looking as embarrassed as she does.

"Well, if you want to go make out, I'm sure you could catch up once you're done." I said, Happy now laughing his head off.

"Uhh... I'm good!" Lucy said, while summoning her clock. She immediately climbed inside. "'Are we there yet?' She asks impatiently." The clock remarked.

"Yep, almost. According to my map!" Erza exclaimed, looking down at her map of the mountain and surrounding area. I had a bag feeling about this mission I just didn't know what it was. All of a sudden 9 HUGE monsters about 20ft tall came into sight as we came over a hill. They all turned their heads in our direction.

"CRAP!" Natsu yelled as the snow monsters started to charge at us. We started to fight, they were stronger than I thought. Coming at us throwing boulders and swinging giant clubs. Natsu was doing pretty well with Lucy by his side. Erza was taking them out alone and I was with Juvia.

"ICE MAKE LANCE!" I yelled as my magic circle turned into I've spears that flew at my target with extreme force. Our attacks were working and now we were feeling like this mission was going to be easy. We were so incredibly wrong. All the monsters had fallen. We were all low on magic power, but we had done our job.

"G-guys!" Happy exclaimed, looking and sounding scared. He had flown above the battle ground to see if there was anything left to do before we could leave.

"What is it little buddy?" Natsu asked in a concerned voice.

"We only defeated 9 monsters and the request sheet said there were 10 monsters." Happy explained while coming down from the air.

"One more!? Piece of strawberry cake!" Erza exclaimed. "I would like a piece of strawberry cake." She said, looking serious as ever. It was then when we herd a monsterous roar  that shook the ground.

"What. Was. That?" I remarked, looking concerned. We all turned our heads to the right. A huge monster, 3 times as big as the others, stepped closer to us. Every step he took felt like an earthquake. This wasn't going to be so easy. We started to fight the beast, but nothing seemed to damage it.

"What are we going to do!?" Juvia asked, looking desperately at me. Tears were streaming from her big blue eyes. Her hair looked messy and her dress was torn; her body and face were blackened with soot and dirt. I grabbed her hand.

"I don't know what we're going to do, but I know what we're not going to do!" I yelled amidst the battle raging around us.

"What, Gray?" She asked, squeezing my hand tighter.

"WE'RE NOT GOING TO GIVE UP!" I answered. She gave me a slight smile and wiped the tears from her eyes. I gave her a look of determination and she smiled back and grabbed my other hand. I knew what this meant.

"UNISON RAID!!!!" We yelled as we combined our magic circles into a swirling wave of water and ice. As it hit the monster it groaned in pain and feel to the ground. It was angry and used its last bit of energy to grab Juvia from right beside me.

"JUVIA!!!!" I yelled with tears in my eyes. It seemed like a terrible dream in which a monster tears away my friend while I watch in terror, unable to do anything about it. He threw her against the side of a mountain causing an avalanche to start coming down right above our heads! Happy deployed his wings, grabbed Natsu and flew as high as he could. In a split second, Erza had re-quiped into a suit of armor with wings, grabbed Lucy and me and flown into the air. Everything, including the ground we were just standing on a few seconds earlier, was engulfed in snow, inducing the monsters and Juvia. "We have to go find Juvia!" I yelled in a panic. Erza nodded as we landed and began our search. We looked everywhere, but no Juvia.

"G-Gray," Lucy said with tears in her eyes. "She would have shown up by now." I looked behind me and our whole group was standing there looking sad.

"No! I won't give up! As long as I'm still breathing, I will keep looking! I WILL find her." I yelled in determination.

"Gray--" Lucy replied in a compassionate voice. I cut her off.

"--no! I will find her...I have to! This is my fault." I said as I dropped to my knees. Lucy ran over and put her hand on my shoulder.

"It's not your fault, Gray! It's no one's fault." She said, looking down. There were tears streaming now. I looked up at her, but focused on something behind her. BLUE!! I saw a spec of blue peeking out of the snow. I got up and sprinted as fast as I could to the blue.

"Juvia!" I yelled as I pushed the snow off her limp body. I held her chest up to my ear and heard a faint beat. I grabbed her and held her up to my chest as I cried.


"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Mira yelled, looking concerned when she saw us walk in. Erza explained the whole story as I helped Mirajane get Juvia into one of the beds in the infirmiry. I ran my fingers through Juvia's hair as I stared at her motionless body.

"Aww!" Mira squealed.

"It's not what you think!" I yelled, knowing exactly what she was thinking.

"Whatever you say." She said, raising her hands and her eyebrows. She and I walked out of the room together.


"GRAY!! SHE'S WAKING UP!" Mira yelled from the hallway. I immediately stopped fighting with Natsu and ran into the room. Juvia was laying there, but she was moving slightly. It had been a week since the incident and I missed her dearly. I sat down in the bed next to her as she opened her eyes.

"JUVIA! It's me! Gray!"  I exclaimed. She gave me a confused look.


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