Chapter 6: FIGHT!!

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I woke up this morning feeling nervous. I have no clue if this is actually going to work or not but I have to try. Juvia's already mad at me, what have I got to lose!? I looked at the clock: 8:30am. I pulled myself out of bed, got dressed and started walking toward the guild. My one hand was in my pocket and the other one I ran through my hair, I always do that when I'm nervous. The brisk fall air filled my lungs. Magnolia was beautiful in the fall, the trees look like a red, orange and yellow mosaic of colour. The mornings we're always quiet in Magnolia. The store owners were setting up before opening and the rest of the town was just waking up. I walked into the guild hall and all eyes were on me. They must be thinking about the fight. That was all I could think about, I don't want to hurt Juvia but what am I supposed to do!? It is a fight. Then my stomach turned when I saw a particular bluenette sitting with a particular white haired man, and I'm not talking about Elfman. I tightened my hands into fists.

"Oh Gray!" I herd someone call from behind me, It was Mira.

"Hey Mira what's u--" She cut me off by putting her hand over my mouth.

"I have something exciting to tell you!" She exclaimed with a smile that stretched from one ear to the other. She grabbed my
arm and ran towards an empty room and slammed the door.

"What are you doing!?" I remarked in surprise.

"I heard that Juvia likes someone!!" My heart dropped.

"Oh no," I replied.

"NO! NO! It's a good thing!! Trust me!" Mira said trying to convince me.

"How do you know!?" I added.

"Well, I talked to Juvia this morning and she said she likes someone!" Mira explained with a glint in her eye.

"And how do you know it's me?" I replied sceptically.

"She wouldn't tell me who it was but she basically descried you!" She squealed in excitement.

"Really!?" I started to believe what she was telling me.

"Yeah!! She said that they've spent some time together, that they're magic goes well together and that before she forgot everything there was a one sided relationship between them!!!" Mira started jumping for joy.

"R-really!? She said all that!?" I felt this weird feeling in my stomach as she said that.

"Mmhmm!" Mira nodded, "We should get out of here! We don't want anyone getting suspicious!" She murmured as she opened the door and motioned for me to leave. I did so and when I walked out I saw Juvia leave the guild hall. I decided to follow her and see what she was doing. I walked out of the guild and followed her too a nearby pond. She sat down on a park bench near it and looked at the water.

"H-hey J-Juvia." I exclaimed nervously.

"Oh hi!" She said with a smile, "just the guy I wanted to see!" She added as she motioned for me to sit beside her.

"What did you want to see me about!?" I asked curiously.

"I just wanted you to know that..well..I talked to more this morning," my heart skipped a beat as she continued, "well I wanted you to know that I'm not mad at you, we're bigger than some stupid fight. That doesn't mean that I'm not going to fight you, cause I am! I just wanted to say that I'm not hurt." She finished with a grin.

"I-I'm really glad to hear that!" I replied, not knowing exactly what to say. "Anyway, I should probably go.." I said, awkwardly getting up from my spot on the bench beside her.

"Oh, yeah..well I'll see you tonight I guess!" She replied with a chuckle.

"Yeah, see you then!" I waved as I walked back to the guild hall.


"THIS IS SOOOOOOOOOOO COOL!!!" Jason the crazy reporter yelled. Why did he have to narrate our fight!? "In one corner we have, ex Element 4 member and current member of the Fairytail guild Juvia Lockser! COOL!" He yelled enthusiastically as the crowd that had begun to form cheered. "And in the other corner, the legend himself..Gray Fulbuster!!" The crowd cheered once again. Juvia and I were standing on opposite sides of a clearing in the crowd. All of our friends were standing around us waiting for the fight to begin. Mira was to my right giving me goofy looks and thumbs up. I still don't know if this is a good idea, but there's no going back now. "Are the challengers ready!?" We both nodded at Jason. "Ready...BEGIN!!!!" He yelled as we began.

"WATER SLICER!" Juvia yelled as she lunged forward whipping her attack at me. I jumped up and tried to dodge but it hit my side. I groaned in pain.

"Oh my! Looks like Juvia landed a hit on Gray!!" The annoying announcer remarked. I glared at him.

"ICE MAKE LANCE!" I put my fist on the open palm of my hand and thrust it towards Juvia. It went right though her! CRAP I forgot about her water body.

"You've forgotten about my water body. Your attacks will have no effect on me." She stated with a taunting grin. I gritted my teeth. She wasn't stopping! I'm beginning to think that Mira's plan is backfiring. "WATER NEBULA!" She screeched as her attack came rushing towards me. I tried to block it with an ice shield but I was too slow. In a split second I was flown into the air but I was thrown into the ground just as hard. I could've gotten up, but Juvia deserved to win after all I put her through.

"TKO!!" Jason yelled as he held Juvia's hand high in the air signaling that she had won. I lifted my head and rubbed where it hurt. Juvia and I smiled at each other. I managed to make it to my feet but when I did Mira came up behind me looking sad.

"M-my plan didn't work!" She said with tears streaming down her face.

"What plan!?"Juvia asked. It was at that moment that I knew, I was screwed.

"Uhh..." Mira stuttered as she realized that she said that louder then she had hoped.

"Juvia, let me explain." I remarked as I took a deep breath. "Juvia... I like you and Mira thought that if we fought that it would be like when we fought the first time...before you forgot." I explained as everyone gasped in surprise.

"R-really!? You did all of this just to make me like you?" Juvia asked in awe.

"Yeah." I answered looking a little embarrassed.

"That's so sweet of you Gray!" She exclaimed, quickly her smile faded into a look of pity. "But...I have a boyfriend." She added, I could feel a tug on my chest as if someone was squeezing my heart. Then she spoke again.

"You know Lyon, right!?"

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