••×e n t r y 17ו•

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••×e n t r y  17ו•

[Dear Jungkook,
Ever since I start loving you my idea of a wonderful happy love turned into a painful pit of hell. At first I was happy, then it all came shitty.]


Shuffling back and fort onto his creased bed sheets, Jungkook sat up pressing unlock on his phone. He suppressed a low groan before laying back again, as he turned the lampshade on.

Sunday is always a closed day for the whole company, that means rest day and definitely a day off. He took this chance to have an alone time with himself as he rest his back on the bed comfortably for almost 14 hours since he woke up. Its already midnight and his day off will soon have an end, yet he didn't feel like he had a rest at all.

Taping on his phone, about to chat his girlfriend. . . an unusual group chat popped on his notification. The name was weird and it consist twelve people in one group.



MacMac added Pervy-Z

Leader Hyung added Worldwide Handsome

Worldwide Handsome: Heol~ what iz diz?

MacMac added Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato: uhm?

Pervy-Z: heyy

Pervy-Z added English Torturer

English Torturer: what's with the nickname?

Leader Hyung added BigKookie, TaeTaeAlien, NoJams and GeniusGranpa

GeniusGranpa removed NoJams

Leader Hyung: yah! No removing! This is for our practice room.


TaeTaeAlien added NoJams

NoJams: ur so mean hyung! T.T I'm like TT

MacMac added Barusu and Subaru

Barusu: Hey

Subaru: yeh

BigKookie: what's up hyungs?

BigKookie added J-Hores

Worldwide Handsome: why'd you add him?
Worldwide Handsome: I thought this chat is for our practice room only?

Leader Hyung: its okay jin hyung

J-Hores: You don't want me here? °n°

English Torturer: uhmm. . . why am I here?

•seen√ 12:32 AM

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