Part Nine

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Knock knock!

Liam groaned quietly as he rolled over in the king-sized bed, the sunlight pouring through the windows of the hotel room blinding him slightly as he looked around for a few moments to get his bearings. It had been a ridiculously busy few days promoting and such, and now it was just another day – Sunday, another day of performing, though this time he was in New York.

The knocking at the door caused him to groan as he jumped out of bed, the room feeling a bit cold due to the air conditioner which led to tiny goosebumps forming over his bare torso as he had only worn a pair of joggers to bed. He grabbed a hoodie and pulled it on before rushing to the door of his hotel room, checking the peephole and seeing his bodyguard, Patrick – or Paddy as he was commonly known as, standing there. He pulled the door open, giving a tired smile to Patrick whom was handing a bag over to him.

"Good morning, mate; and Happy Father's Day."

Liam's eyes went wide as he paused for a second; today was Father's Day.

His smile faded and his eyes took on a sad appearance; today was Father's Day, his very first Father's Day, and he was away from his girlfriend and their son.

"Thanks." He glumly replied, taking the bag into his hand before stepping aside to let Patrick in. The two sat at the island counter top, Liam smiling slightly as he rummaged through the bag.

"She gave it to me the day we left, you had gone upstairs to get something – she wanted me to give it to you." Patrick explained, watching his friend rummage through the bag. Liam sighed out and pulled the massive blue box from the bag, a sad smile on his face as a couple cards fell out as well. He put the box down and grabbed the cards, little tears filling his eyes as he read the envelopes; 'To Liam xxxx', 'To Daddy xxxx'.

He took a deep breath, opening the envelope that was meant to be from Bear first. He smiled to himself, seeing that Cheryl had done a personalized card which had a picture of Liam and Bear looking at each other and smiling, while on the bottom was curly, blue lettering that read, 'Happy Father's Day to my best friend – Dad'. He then opened the card, his eyes filling up as he read the words from Bear written in Cheryl's handwriting;

'To my best friend, Daddy;

Happy Father's Day Daddy. I love you so much. You really are my best friend and even though I am only little now, I love when we spend time together and you read me stories and feed me my milk on a night time. I love when you pull funny faces and make me giggle. I love when you talk to me and make me smile some more. You are the center of my whole world Daddy and I can't wait to grow up and be just like you. I can't wait to get bigger and bigger so we can go play outside together and I can play with all our doggies and all the nice toys too!

I miss you so much today Daddy, but please don't be sad because Mammy is taking good care of me. I can't wait till you phone us and talk to us today; see you soon Daddy and good luck!

Happy Father's Day Daddy – I love you!

All the love and slobbery kisses,

Your little Bear xxxx'

Little tears were slipping down Liam's cheeks as he read, though he quickly wiped them away even though Patrick had seen them already, though refrained from taking the mick as he knew how hard this was. Liam let out a little laugh and sniffled away, breathing out as he ran his thumb over the little picture in the corner of him and Bear in matching Wolverhampton tops whilst Liam was smiling at the camera and Bear was holding his hand up as he hated taking pictures. He then pulled out the card from Cheryl, smiling as he saw it was another personalized card with a collage of pictures of them; pictures of them with their hands on the bump, or of Liam reading to the bump or kissing the bump, and finally one of Liam holding Bear in his arms once again. The blue letters read, 'Happy Father's Day to the best man ever, my Payno', which made him smile a bit more as he opened it to read her words;

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