Part Twenty-One//Epilogue

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25 December 2017 – Christmas Day

The time had just struck six, the sun was still hidden behind the night time darkness though a dim glow indicating sunrise was beginning to peak over the horizons. The cold temperatures plagued the city, a blanket of frost covered the vast grounds of the Payne estate. The fountain outside the front of the home displayed a slew of twinkling lights as well as the frame surrounding the front door.

Inside the home, a large Christmas tree remained in the lounge, standing tall with twinkling lights and a star on top. A slew of large, perfectly wrapped Christmas presents surrounded the tree, and the mantle was decorated with colorful lights and personalized stockings for everyone; Cheryl; Liam; Bear; Watson; Buster; Parker. The house was silent apart from the snoring of Watson, the ticking of the clock in the foyer, the random drip of the faucet in the kitchen.

The buzzing phone in the upstairs master bedroom broke through the silent atmosphere; a tattooed hand quickly reached over to silence it. He then peeked over the bare shoulder of the woman sleeping beside him, it seeming that the buzzing sound hadn't disturbed her in the slightly as she remained fast asleep, her long eyelashes brushing against the top of her cheek whilst her lips pouted out slightly as she was lost in a land of dreams. He smiled to himself, quickly kissing her cheek before dragging himself out of bed finally to get ready for the day.

After a shower, he dressed in a pair of joggers and a t-shirt. He glanced over at the love of his life, noting that she was still fast asleep. He grabbed his phone and made his way out of the room, the plan being that he was pretty much doing the cooking, after insisting to do so considering he had been gone for ages and Cheryl had done everything else. He insisted on cooking and not having her lift a finger, telling her that she'd done more than enough, and he wanted her to relax.

About an hour later, with some of the evening's dinner being on the stove cooking away on low so it wouldn't burn, Liam decided that it was time to go wake his little family. He comically put on a Santa Claus hat before making his way upstairs and straight into the nursery. Bear was just starting to stir in his cot, so Liam simply poked his head over and began rubbing his back.

"Dude, come on – time to wake up." He whispered.

The sweet little boy made adorable noises as he opened his beautiful brown eyes; Liam simply chuckling a bit as he watched his son roll over and look up at him. The little boy then slowly sat up whilst rubbing his eyes, though he still was looking up at Liam in wonder as if he was trying to figure out why his dad had on such a funny hat.

"Hey you." Liam lifted him into his arms only to groan when he got a whiff of him; "Okay nappy time – seriously."

Bear giggle away to himself whilst Liam laid him down and quickly changed his nappy. Once he was all finished, he tossed the dirty nappy into the trash and scooped Bear onto his hip, though Bear was finding it more amusing to grab at Liam's hat which he kept giggling about. Liam chuckled at the smile on his son's face, kissing his cheek a couple times as he made his way to his and Cheryl's room. Cheryl was starting to stir as well, so Liam quietly crept over to the bed and sat down before allowing Bear to crawl over to her. She groaned quietly and opened her eyes, only to smile when she came face to face with her son whom was staring down at her with a smile on his face as he had his hands resting on her arm.

"Hi bubs," she lifted him into her arms and sat up slightly whilst holding the covers over herself, "And hello Mr. Claus." She gave Liam a wink before kissing his lips, making him chuckle as he rested his hand on her soft skin under the blankets.

"Hello Mrs. Claus." He winked back, making her giggle back at him before looking down at their son.

"Keep your hands to yourself, Liam." She spoke without looking up as she'd felt his hands start to wander under the blanket. He laughed and kissed his cheek, before taking Bear back into his arms and handing her his t-shirt so she could slip it on. She slipped his shirt on and threw on a pair of leggings as well, before making following her boys out of the room and down the stairs. Cheryl's mother Joan, whom was staying with them over the holidays, was still fast asleep in the guest room, so the two were going to enjoy this time of just the three of them before the day got too out of control and other family members showed up.

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