Part Sixteen

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"Good luck."

A goofy grin displayed across his face, heart hammering in his chest, hands clammy as she stood before him. The dimples framed her smile, her brown eyes sparkled in the lights, her soft Geordie voice filtered through his ears...

His cheek was still tingling from the small peck she had placed there, the softness of her lips still being felt on his skin.

"Thank you." He stuttered slightly. She threw her hand up to wave goodbye before being ushered away by a blonde-haired woman; the fourteen-year-old boy still staring after her as he watched her wander away.

He had just had a probably two second conversation with the actual Cheryl Cole and had gotten a kiss on the cheek? God, what a lucky guy he was.

All she did was wish him 'good luck' as she was passing, all she did was quickly peck him on the cheek as she had done with a few other contestants she had passed in the corridor, but this felt like something so magical with him because after all, she was his dream girl.

He was leaving for Judge's Houses in a few days' time, and the thought of possibly seeing her again was something that made his heart race. He wasn't exactly sure if he'd even get past the Judge's Houses stage of the competition, but if he did, he could potentially see her every single week, sing in front of her every single week...

Sing for her. Every. Single. Week.

Hearing her sweet voice give him lovely comments every week, being able to see the adorable looks on her faces every single week, being able to pop into her dressing room and say hello every single week.

'Wow I sound desperate.' He thought to himself as continued thinking to himself, still staring in the direction of where she had gone, though she was long gone now.

He knew he never had a shot with her. She was a grown woman – a very married grown woman, whom would never have an interest in someone like him. 'Not even after I grow up; that's a woman we dream about.' He thought to himself, sighing out before looking down at his shoes again.

He then pushed himself off the wall, heading down the corridor where some of the other guys were, all excitedly chattering away about going to Judge's Houses. His mind continued to wander back to the simple words and small peck on the cheek from Cheryl, leading him to touch his hand to his cheek as he breathed out.

'She's just a dream, and all she'll ever be is a dream.'


"You better call me as soon as you land."

Liam chuckled away as they stood on the tarmac where his private jet was; Cheryl having one arm wrapped around his neck to hug him tightly whilst her other arm was holding baby Bear on her hip. Liam was going away to New York and Los Angeles for some promotion for his and Zedd's track, Get Low, but of course, every time he had to leave, it grew harder and harder due to the intense love he felt for his family.

"Of course, I'll call you, woman," he gently kissed her lips, resting his head against hers, "I love you, so much."

"I love you more, we both do," she bounced their son up on her hip before lifting the little boy towards him, "Go on, say bye bye to Daddy and tell him we'll see him soon and that we love him lots."

Bear gurgled happily, reaching his arms out for Liam. Liam laughed as he took his son into his arms, kissing his head over and over as he cuddled him tightly.

Cheryl & Liam: DevotionWhere stories live. Discover now