Boy Bæ

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LOL You guys, let's talk about the boys of my life 😭

Jerome: Jerome is the fuggin' BÆ ! 💋❤️ So he's short, Mexican, black hair and brown eyes and he's just so beautiful. I mean I really want to date him but, what if we break up and I never become friends with him again? I mean he does talk and flirt with me time to time and I love it .. The only bad thing is that, he flirts with a lot of girls and his friends aren't being that kind to him.. At all.

Status: BÆ 💋❤️

Girlfriend status: Had 2 girlfriends (dated both of them twice) currently doesn't have one. (Nicole and Anna)

Nickname: Heels and bæ

Hogan: Hogan is the Bæfriend 😷💙 ( he's the bæ bestfriend and he's my friend). He's tall, tan and handsome ( spongebob quote ) AND he's mixed with phillipino and white. He plays hockey and he REALLY LOVES THE

L.A. Kings (shoutout to them) and yeah. He's kind of being a little mean to the bæ and they are kinda off and on sometimes, the Bæfriend could be growing closer to.. (Dun dun dun) dick..

Status: Bæfriend 😷💙

Girlfriend status: He had 4 girlfriends ( Sarah, Julie, Juliana and brandy ) currently single 😉 yay Krissy

Nickname: Stripes and bæfriend

Dick (it's a name so calm down): Dick is eh 😤 I mean he's the Bæfriend #2 JUST BECAUSE he's the friend.. Otherwise he's an . Eh. He's kinda tall, long soft hair I just wanna TOUCH (and I have) and brown eyes.He's the the mean one of the "3 musketeers" but I feel like he's getting closer to Hogan more than Jerome. Jerome is just everywhere.. 😭 like a lost child

Status: Eh 😒✋

Girlfriend status: Never had one ( That I know of 👀😂)

Nickname: Abercrombie and Aladdin ( Abercrombie because of his underwear; nothing nasty; always shows and Aladdin because of his long hair and skin tone)

( not all the guys, just the mains)



Hope y'all like the boys info and all that, after this will be the girls and probably that's it.. So yeah, then I'll start talking about my day and all that INTERESTING STUFF , might say some names you don't know in my actual stories but don't worry they aren't THAT important LOL

Bye, love y'all 💋 hugs and kisses to you and your family and everyone you love


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