April 12,2014

46 0 0

So today is Saturday am I had nothing to do and I woke up at 6:30 to pee and then I went back to sleep. I then woke up at 11:30 and awoke to a smell. I greeted my parents with a hello and went into the kitchen.. This I the convo I had with them...

Me: *looks in pot; opens microwave; opens fridge* "MOM!"

Mom: "yes?

Me: (almost in a yell) "Where's the food?!" *walks to her location on the opposite couch of my dad*

Mom: *looks at me with guilt* "Oh... I didn't think you wanted any.."

Dad: *stares at me* "..."

Mom: "You can have some oatmeal or some cereal"

Me: "What kind"

Mom: "You told me Honey nut, I bought you honey nut."

Me: -YAASSS- *looks for my honey nut* "There is no Honey nut.."

Mom: " OHHH you wanted Honey Bunches of Oats.. LOL oops!"

Me: *walks to couch and sits down* "I'm not hungry"

Mom: "Go eat something"

Me: "I'm fine" *sits down*

Mom: "Daddy ate it all"

Me: *looks at him* -of course he ate it all- "..."

Daddy: "What! You weren't up so.."

Me: -omfgggg- "..."

(Ended up eating oatmeal with strawberries and chocolate)


So I was dressed with my favorite jean pants, favorite aeropastal shirt that is teal and my hot pink scarf with my favorite white converse. We went to go see the movie Noah and It was pretty awesome! I was at the end so people were sitting next to me.. Too bad they weren't teenage boys, AM I RIGHT? Anyways, me and my mom and dad are sitting right here at outback, and my dad is watching me type this so... It's 7:20 and I ate ALLL the appetizer bread and I'm getting buffalo wings and my food just came lol 7:48 now .. It took me 28 minutes to eat anyway.. This was short 😷 it's ok, love y'all anyway



Well, you guys are all beautiful and you will forever be beautiful, I love you 😷❤️


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