April 15, 2014

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So today was stupid as fuck. Since there was block schedule, I had all my boring classes like ELA.. Eww it's so stupid .. But me and Krissy sat next to each other in the computer room and when I walked in, I saw Jerome and Hogan I was like 😳 OMFG Krissy hurry the fuck uppppp. So Mr. Monthtree made us fill up the seats 2 at a time and I just saved a seat for Kim . She walked through the door confused and I was waving my hand like 🙋🙋🙋 and I have her the eye talk about Jerome and hogan being there. Once she sat down, we celebrated together and I was like YAAASS. So me and Krissy are always thinking like.. OMFG what if it's a sign that we were meant to be with the opposite people but me, Krissy and Jerome all matched (student council color) and I was like YAASS. So he was handing out little cards with our name so we can sign into the computers.. Hogan didn't hand out Krissy's -Aww- but he did have melanny's -damn it- and then.. Jerome came my way and through my teeth I said OH MY GOD HES COMING MY WAY! *acted natural* Jerome handed me the card and was all like thank you and he said you're welcome .. Now let me show you the convo..

Me: "Aww Krissy, he didn't have yours but he had Melanny's 😤"

Krissy: " I know right" 😪

Jerome: *walks around checking on everyone*

Krissy: "He's coming this way!"

Me: "This isn't capital right?"

Jerome: *walks to my side* (making beat box noises) *clicking no caps on the keyboard fixing my errors*

Me: 😍😍😍😍😍😍 "oh thank you"

Jerome: 😉 *winks* "You're welcome" *walks away like a thug*

OMFG HE WAS SOO CLOSE TO ME LIKE I FELT HIS BODY HEAT.. That's how close he was!!!! OMFG I can .. Ughhhhh 😩 Jesus help me

Anyways, that class was irrelevant as fuck so we went to PE now

So in PE we were doing all this stuff but before we did anything Krissy, Isaiah and I ( sitting in that order ) were sitting and then the teacher told us to stand for warm ups. Krissy helped Isaiah up like usual and while we are stretching.. This happens 😭

Krissy: *whispering*

Isaiah: *whispering* *looks at me*

Me: *looks at him* 👀 "what"

Isaiah: * turn around and pays me no attention*


Isaiah: *comes towards me* "Hi Asia" 👽

Me: "hi" 😂

Isaiah: *really close to me like Jerome* *bites the shit out of my shoulder*

Me: "ah" 😱 "oh my god" *mouth wide open* "OWW Isaiah why did you bite me?!?!"

Isaiah: *does that stupid laugh he always does* "ahehe"

Me: "oh my gosh, that hurt"

Krissy: "Oh my gosh Isaiah"

Isaiah: "ahehe, she told me to bite you"

Me: *looks at Krissy* "why'd you tell him to bite me?!?😩"

Krissy: *looks back at me* "because he said he was gonna bite me but I told him to bite you"

Me: "oh ok" 😩


Isaiah: *literally makes out with my shoulder*

Me: "oy Isaiah, that hurt more than the last time'"

Isaiah: "ahehe" 😏




LOL my school is a crackhead school

Love you all bye ❤️


Stay Fierce 🐯

-anonymous 💋

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