Chapter 10

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Kylie's POV

Cameron was by the shore and was in a wetsuit that wasn't wet. I swam to the shore. I walked over to him and saw that he was on his hands and knees, digging for something.

"What are you doing, Cam?" I asked.

He looked up shocked. He smiled.

"There's a lot of these little crabs over here. I don't know what they are called, exactly, but they're really cute. I'd like to hold one, but they seem to be a bit shy. There's also those little perrie winkles that scare them. Their kinda like me. They're apparently important, but they don't think they are." He said looking down, sighing.

I felt bad. I got down with him and started digging.

"Well, let's find some." I said, smiling.

We searched through the sand until we found one. It was small and cute. Cameron took his phone out and took a picture of it in his hand.

"Look at how cute the little guy is!" Cameron exclaimed. He was truly happy. It was the cutest thing ever.

"His name is... Marley." He smiled. "We can even make a little preservation for him and some of his friends. Let's find three more for Marley!" Cameron said.

"That's such a cute name! Why should we get him some friends?" I asked. It wanted to know his answer.

"So he won't be alone like I was in high school. We can't put Marley through that!" He said, a little protective.

"Okay. There's a little pet store down the road. Why don't you get some food and a little tank thing for Marley?" I asked.

"Good idea! I'll go, you stay and find him friends." Cameron said, running off to his car like a little boy that was about to go to the ice cream store.

I started digging and found three crabs- one looked like the mother, the other two were babies. I picked all three up and caught up with Cam.

"Found three little crabs. I think Marley was part of the family." I put the crabs in the makeshift tank with Marley.

"Great! To PetsMart!" Cam yelled, starting his car.

We got to the PetSmart and headed to the ocean-animal section. We grabbed some food and the tank. My phone buzzed.

"Where'd you go Kylie? Miss youuuuu 💕" it was from Taylor.

I ignored and we went to the checkout.

"CAM? CAMERON DALLAS?!" A girl yelled.

"What?" Another yelled.


Cameron smacked a crisp 50 on the counter and ran out.

We laughed as we saw the fans running at Cameron's car through the rearview mirror. It was an eventful day so far.

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