Chapter 33

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Song inspiration: The fault in Our Stars by Troye Sivan and Who you are By Jessie J

Kylie's POV

We had a few minutes left. I was already packed up. We were in the hotel room. I sat on the bed.

"Aaron, Taylor, Matt, Sam, Jacob, Willie, Mahogany, Jack, Jack; see you guys in two weeks. I'm gonna miss you Nash, Hayes, Shawn, and Carter."

Cameron looked up, and looked sad. He looked confused, as if I had accidentally forgotten him.

I darted my eyes away. He made it look like I had brought him so much pain.

But he didn't know what true pain is.

True pain is finally finding the boy you thought was the one. He's perfect. Everything's perfect. But you're so absorbed in this fairytale that you don't see the trouble you are causing.

Then, everything comes crashing down.

The man you loved- he tells you he doesn't trust you.

It hurts.

It hurts like hell.

"We're letting the fans know tomorrow. Not gonna be good. But, we just gotta keep our heads up." Nash said.

"I don't want to let this go. This changed my life. It seems like I would be nowhere without you guys." Cameron said.

"None of us do. But in a few hours, we're going our separate ways. And that flight we're taking- it marks the end of this." Jack Gilinsky said.

"But we'll still have the memories, right?" Aaron said.

A tear rolled down Hayes cheek.

"But that's all we'll have." He said.

And he was right. That's all they'll have left.

The boys started gathering their things.

I walked over to Taylor.

"Aren't you supposed to hate me?" He asked. "I've been nothing but trouble." He said.

"I know. But, I miss that Taylor Trouble." I smiled, ruffling his hair.

"And I miss you." Taylor said, blushing.

"I think everyone deserves a second chance, right?" I asked, suggestively.

"Yeah... does this mean what I think it does?" He asked.

"Yes." I smiled hugging him.

Cameron's POV

I watched as Kylie and Taylor flirt. I've put in more effort for her. I worked my ass off.

I guess it would be easier for them. Seeing each other at least once a month. I wouldn't see her that frequently.

Everything fell out of place.

Congratulations, Taylor.

You got the girl. Like always.

I never really felt a connection with a girl how I felt with Kylie. Not even with my ex, Jenna.

She was different. But a good different.

It feels like I've known her forever. I sat down and took a breath in. I couldn't focus on this.

"I see the way you look at her." Nash said, sitting next to me.

"Go after her. You can't let a girl like her get out of your grasp." He said.

"But you don't understand. I've done so much. She doesn't want me." I said.

"Then make her want you." He said, getting up.

I grabbed his arm.

He sat back down.

"I can't. She makes me feel amazing. She is the one. But she doesn't want to be. It feels like I'm losing more than just her. Like with her, I'm losing part of me, too. I'm losing everything. I've already lost so much! I've...lost...too...much." I said, putting my head into my hands.

I was short of breath. It felt like everything was spinning around. I was having another panic attack.

I got up and I started walking. But I fell right back down onto the ground. I started doing what I always did. I started scratching at my legs. That's what usually worked. But it wasn't today.

"CAMERON!" Nash yelled

I was surrounded by the boys. I was breathing heavily.

Then, my body went limp and all I saw was black.

• • •

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