Chapter 20

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Laila's POV

(3 hours-ish later, so about 1:45ish)

Nobody was here. We did a little searching around the hotel, but couldn't find anyone. Matt and I figured that everyone had gone to the beach. Since I was leaving tomorrow, we wanted to make the best of today. We stayed in and watched some Netflix. We ended up having a picnic on the private part of the beach. We were now back in Matt's room cleaning up for Magcon. I had on my white Sam Wilkinson shirt and blue leggings. Matt was in Camerons shirt and a pair of Nike shorts. It was 2 so we started heading down to the convention room.

We got a little lost because the hotel staff had moved us to another room. We followed the sounds of girls screams. We went backstage. Nobody was there. Matt and I started looking around. We found Nick and Bart.

"Hey, where's everyone?" Matt asked.

"You guys don't know?" Bart asked.

"No. What's up?" I asked.

"Nash is getting surgery right now. Nasty break in his leg. Magcons delayed for two hours." Nick said.

"What hospital?!" Matt asked frantically.

"Edgewood Hospital. About 10 minutes away." Bart said.

Matt grabbed my hand and we walked outside to Carter's car. He was letting us borrow it.

We rushed to the hospital and cut the time in half. We were greeted at the door.

"Are you here visiting?" A woman asked us.

"Yeah. Nash Grier." Matt said.


"Matt Espinosa and Laila Fender."

"Okay. He's currently in surgery, but you can wait here."

The lady led us down a hallway to a room. All the boys were in chairs, with their girlfriends next to them. Cameron was in the corner of the room with Kaleigh and they were talking about Nash. Kylie was on her phone walking around, looking very frustrated and confused.

I was looking around and couldn't find Taylor. I asked Carter where he was.

"You guys are lost, aren't you?" Carter asked.


"Taylor was arrested. Couldn't pay the 12,000 that he needed."

"WHAT? But, I can!" I said. I dont know if Kylie would like it, but he was a big part in Magcon. Nash was already in pain, so Magcon would already be a different atmosphere, but there are a LOT of Taylor girls.

"I think its too late." Carter said, shaking his head.

"We have to at least try." I replied.

Matt was walking over to Cameron and Kaleigh. They were both in tears. Kaleigh had been with Nash for eight months, so she was very distraught.

"You wanna go? This place is depressing." Carter said.


"Matt, let me get the keys."

"Sure." Matt tossed the keys up to Carter.

Carter took me outside and unlocked the car. The station was about 15 minutes away, so Carter rushed. Nash's surgery was supposed to be over soon, and we wanted to be there. When we got there, we heard several yells from a voice that was very familiar.

"This is BULL SHIT! Let me out! You bastards! My BEST FRIEND is in the hospital!"

"Let me guess... you were drunk driving and got into a crash." A policeman joked, snickering.

We turned the corner to see what was happening.

Taylor jumped out at them, but the handcuffs held him back.


"You just said your best friend... now he's your brother." Another policeman said.

"Yeah. We're friends, but we're family. You wouldn't understand about friends or family because you're so full of shit that no one actually gives a shit about you."

Carter decided to step in.

"We're here to get Taylor Michael Caniff outta here."

"That's not how it works. You pay twice the fine... which was 12k. So unless you guys have 24k..." I cut the guard off.

"Here." I slapped a series of one hundred dollar bills on the desk. "Lets go, Tay."

The guard moaned and let Taylor go.

"If you'd excuse me, I got some actual friends to go see." Taylor said, putting his Ray bans on and straightened his jacket, smirking.



Im soooooo sorry I haven't updated lately i got my phone taken away and my teachers are like killing us with tests and quizzes.

So yeah. Ill try for a weekend update and sorry for waiting like what seems like a year. Lmao. But anyways comment and favorite this!

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