Chapter 19

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Kylie's POV

[next morning]

I woke up to the smell of breakfast being cooked. I looked down to see Cameron sleeping on the ground. He had a giant teddy bear wrapped around him and a sweatshirt that he was using as a blanket. I smiled, seeing how cute he was.

I walked out to the kitchen. Matt and Laila were cooking breakfast. They were so cute. They had a perfect relationship. Matt had pancake batter all over his lips and kissed Laila on the nose. She laughed, wiping off the batter. She then cracked an egg over his head and watched with satisfaction as the yolk ran down his face. He laughed and took the yolk and flicked it at Laila.

Matt looked over and saw me.

"Good morning, Kylie!" Matt said.

"Hey what happened last night? I heard Cameron trying to calm you down." Laila asked.

I felt my smile suddenly disappear.

"Tell you later." I said, trying to get off the subject as quick as possible.

She nodded. I walked over to see what they were making.

"Eggs, bacon, pancakes, and fruit." Matt said.

A groggy Cameron walked out of the room, fixing his hair. He didn't have his shirt on. I had to look to his face before I started staring.

"Good morning, sunshine." Cameron said to me.

"Wait... what?" Matt and Laila said at the same time.

"Yeah." Cameron smiled, hugging me from the back and kissing me on the top of my head. He really like the top of my head.

"Wh-what about Taylor?" Matt asked.

"That douche bag is not with her. And he won't be." Cameron spat, with anger in his voice.

His grip tightened on my arms.

"In fact, I'm going to make that clear to him." Cameron ran out the door.

Matt ran after him, catching his arm.

"You're mad. Take some time to calm down, then talk to him. Notice how I said talk, not kill." Matt said in such a soothing voice.

"It couldn't have been that bad." Matt said.

Cameron followed him to the couch.

"No. It can be. Can I show him?" Cameron asked me.

"Yeah." I said, not making eye contact. It was still a soft subject.

I still couldn't believe he did that. It would have been one thing if he had kissed them on the cheek. But the lips? And it wasn't a fake looking kiss either.

"What the hell? Why would he do that?" Matt asked in disgust.

Laila saw the pictures.

"But were you two even officially dating then? You had met him 30 minutes before. It's possible he didn't consider you two a couple while he did it." Laila suggested.

"Crap. That might be true. Now I feel terrible." I said, shaking my head.

"Yeah. I guess that could be possible." Matt said.

"There's no way that's true. This isn't the first time he's done something like this." Cameron refused to believe what he was hearing.

"Cam, it's 100% possible." I said.

This was terrible. Right when I get close to Cam, Taylor comes back in the picture.

"But do you want it to be possible? For you just to forgive him like that?" Cameron asked.

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