Chapter 35

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Kylie's POV

[Next Day]

The dreaded Monday.

Laila picked me up from my house.

"I feel like everything's going to be different know." She said.

"In a good way?" I asked.

"I'm not quite sure yet. I'm not going to be able to see Matt for a while." Laila said.

"Factime? Taylor and I are doing a bunch of those." I suggested.

"Yeah, I guess. But it's not the same. Being able to physically be there with the person is better. Being able to here them right away, not with a two second lag. And being able to hear their voice. Not their contorted electric voice." She said.

We pulled into Laila's parking spot and got out.

"Ugh. Boys. So complicated." I said.

"Got that right." Laila sighed.

Laila and I walked through the double-doors, stepping into hell. Girls stared with envy in there eyes. The photos of Cameron and I were everywhere. Matt and Laila had been official for a few days now.

A girl walked up to Laila. She was wearing a Matt bracelet.

"You don't deserve Matt." She said.

"Well, I didn't ask him out." Laila leaned into the girl. "Oh, here's a little secret: Cameron, Nash, Carter, Hayes, and Shawn are done with magcon." Laila smirked and walked off.

I had to give it to her. That was a great idea.

Laila and I went our separate ways.

I walked to my locker. Cory was there.

"So you're dating him?" He asked.

"Who?" I asked.

"Don't be dumb. You know." Cory pushed.

"No. Not Cameron. But I am taken. Jealous?" I asked. "Shouldn't have done what you did."

"It was a damn mistake! I was drunk!" Cory yelled.

"Mmhhmm. Her lips just ended up on yours and you didn't do anything. Anyways, you had one beer." I told him.

I grabbed my books and slammed my locker shut and walked away.


It was Sunday night and the last real day of summer. Today was the biggest party of the year. Cory was taking me. I was freshening up in the bathroom. I finished applying my eyeliner and my phone lit up.

"I'm here. Ready?" It was from Cory.

He never liked to knock on the door. He just called or texted when he was here.

I walked down the stairs and got in the passenger seat of Cory's car. He said a quick hello and turned the radio on.

He always listened to explicit rap, and he knew I didn't like it.

"Cory, can you change the station, please?" I asked politely.

"Let me enjoy myself for once." He said.

I looked out the window. He wasn't in a good mood at all.

I stayed silent the rest of the car ride.

We pulled up to Jackson's house and walked in. Almost half the school was there.

"Let's grab some food real quick?" Cory suggested, grabbing my hand and bringing me to the table.

We grabbed a few snacks and sat down by the couch where Jackson and some people were playing truth or dare.

We finished our food.

"Let's play." Cory said.

"No. I'm good. You go ahead." I never liked taking risks.

Even if there was a truth, the questions would be something like Are you a virgin? Or How many people have you slept with?

"Okay." Cory said.

He sat down on the floor and I plopped down on the couch.

As I said, the questions were all personal. The dares were just like take this many shots.

It was Jackson's turn to ask Cory.

"Truth or dare?" Jackson asked.

"Dare." Cory said smirking.

"Okay... I dare you to kiss Lauren."

Lauren automatically blushed.

I didn't care that much. I knew it was just a dare.

He leaned in and pecked Lauren on then lips and pulled back.

"More passionately!" Jackson whined.

"No. A kiss is a kiss. And I have my girlfriend right here. What kind of bastard makes out with a girl in front of their girlfriend?" Cory asked.

I smiled.

Jackson rolled his eyes.

Eventually, the game came to an end.

We danced for a little bit, kissed a little longer, and smiled a lot harder.

"I'll be back." Cory said.

He walked into the kitchen. I followed him. I saw him downing a beer.

"Cory! Stop! You have your lacrosse game tomorrow!" I scolded.

"Such a prude." Lauren scoffed.

"Bitch, please. I mean, every high school party needs a slut to complete it. That's why you were invited."

"DAYUMMMMM!" A few boys yelled.

Cory almost spit out his drink from laughing.

Lauren hit him.

"When did you become so salty? So much shade." She crossed her arms.

"Well, a sass a day keep the basics away." I shrugged.


Lauren walked off.

"I'm going to use the restroom." I told Cory.

He nodded and I left.

After a few minutes, I headed back to the kitchen.

I couldn't find him. I looked a little closer.

I saw his light brown hair. I headed towards it. He was in a corner.

That's when I saw her. Lauren.

I pulled him off of her and slapped him.

"Have fun, you fucker."

And with that, I left.

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