Chapter 14

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"So we only have to piece everything onto the poster right?" I ask Finn as I bring the poster up to his room.

"Ye and just find some random pictures."

It's a Friday night and our report is due on Monday. Since we didn't get anything done yesterday, we agreed to meet at Finn's place (but it might just be us two, since, you know). I get to Finn's room and let my eyes scan the room. I've known Finn for a long time but I haven't really been to his room unless I need something.

Finn clears up some space and takes the poster off my hands, laying it down on the floor. "I'll get us some glue and sharpies." He runs back downstairs leaving me alone in his room (EEEPPPPP). I look around more thoroughly and that's when I notice that his window CAN see part of my room. I blush and turn away and take in the rest of the room.

One shelf is filled with all his little league photos and some trophies here and there. Mitts, baseball caps, bobble heads of legends like Jordan and Shak, and a basketball jersey scatter the desk top. Another shelf has all his video games (preferably basketball) and posters of Irving are plastered onto the walls.

Finn comes back with two glue sticks and some sharpies. He sets them down. "You want anything to eat?" Without waiting for my answer, he goes back downstairs. A little bit later, he puts some chips and soda cans onto the bed. "Sorry, I got no boba."

I laugh, "It's fine, I say as I open up a can. Wow, I'm alone with Finney Vu. In his room (scream). I gulp down the can. 

"Damn, your thirsty," Finn jokes as he takes a drink. 

 I blush (again) and turn my attention to the poster. I imagine the layout in my mind and decide to plaster our reasonings and evidence first. So I open up my laptop and look through my document. "Hey, does this look okay?" Finn comes down from the bed and looks over my shoulder. Oh gawd he's so close. 

"Yeah, just add that part about blah blah blah," I just stare at him with my blank mind. His cheek. His pretty almond eyes. The hairs that stick out of his head are all so tempting. Even his big forehead is something I think about kissing. 


I snap out of it. "Yeah." He looks at me and I do the same. He nods and I remember that I didn't hear anything that he said (I'm a dork). "Why won't you do it?" 

Finn shrugs and puts his arms around me to type on the laptop. DAMMIT. Now he's even closer. My ears redden and I begin to pray that he doesn't notice. I think I hyperventilated in my head at least six times before I noticed something wrong with his writing. 

I reach for the keyboard to change a word but instead, my fingers land on his hand. Crap. Crap. CRAP. My cheeks are now so warm that I think I might burst (or my heart, whichever breaks down from this earthquake first). To make things worst (or better), Finn doesn't lift his hand. I turn my head and he's looking at me with a mysterious look on his face. He gulps and finally takes his hand away and pauses. Then immediately runs across the hall to the bathroom.

I sniff my shirt. Did I forget to put deodorant on? I take a deep breathe and touch my cheeks. It's still burning. Crap. 

*What did you guys think? I know, so much blushing. And cringe. Please bare with me! lol. Thanks guys for reading. Don't forget to vote!

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