Chapter 11

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It's seventh period and I'm looking out the window like a puppy (a heartbroken, crying in the inside, puppy) when Mr. McDonald clasps his hands together.

"Okay guys this is gonna be your first group project of the year. I want you guys to get into groups of two." He pauses for a bit and counts all the heads in the class. "But it looks like there's gonna be a group of three.

Anyway, you're all gonna be researching evidence to answer this question," he says as he removes tape from this giant poster that covers up the whiteboard (what is this, a magic show?); revealing the prompt and all the other things we need to do the essay.

Then he gets a yardstick and smacks the tip so hard onto the whiteboard, that it splits in half. Half the class jumps and laughs at this and so does Mr. McDonald himself. "Welp, that's the question," and uses his finger in place of the yard stick to point at the big words written across the board. McDonald then sits on his "Almighty Chair of Wisdom" and waves us away. "Get with it."

Almost the immediately, the class gets up. Everyone seems to know where they're going. Except for me. I don't know anyone in the class except for Finn and him. And of course, I don't really like making friends. So I sit and wait until the flock of students clear up, revealing the "lucky three."

"Well what do you know," McDonald holds his hands up in the air, "that was easy."

Yeah, that part was easy. But the next part isn't. The three of us move our desks around so that one of us is at the front, and the other two are sitting next to each other, forming a right triangle (whoa math!). Then we all look at each other for a bit.

"What are you waiting for?" the teacher rolls his eyes, "sit."

But I don't want to sit. I want to keep standing and run out the door and demand that schedule change that I have been thinking about a week ago. Left with no other choice ('cuz I'm a wuss), I sit down. And so do the other two.

"Okay, begin!" McDonald opens up his book and happily reads as the class comes to life. Laptop screens are opening, books are being passed out, notebooks are snapping open ready to be written on. The other students chattering away, most of the time their topic isn't even about the history topic. Everyone knows each other so well.

While I turn my chair around and stare at my group. It's me, Finn, and him.

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