Chapter 12

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"O-kay..." seeing that this is going no where, I had decided to start the conversation myself. "So, what's the plan?" I ask as I take out my notebook and laptop from my bag and set them on my desk; all the while avoiding eye contact with both of them.

He fidgets around in his seat, looking extremely uncomfortable, (I don't blame him. Considering the fact that he's sitting near his ex and her best friend, it's like a if he says one offensive thing, the whole gang will screw him) "Uh..."

"How can it be said that the First Amendment is the key to democracy?" Finn reads the question off the whiteboard and takes out a textbook. He opens it and swipes through the pages until he gets to the right unit.

I nod and don't say anything. He doesn't flinch. Finn just sits there expecting someone to say something.

Mr. McDonald must have sensed our auras because next thing I know, he's squatting by my desk and looking at us. Anticipating our next moves. Nothing. Seeing that we're a hopeless group of freaks, McDonald speaks up, "So, how are you guys going to..." he rotates his hand in a small circle around our area," you know."

Still nothing. McDonald begins to shake his head and I volunteer (I don't like teachers thinking bad about me, I know, dork!). "We were just about to assign each other our roles. I'm going to be researching online, Finn's going to be reading from the textbook," I guide my hand to Finn's direction. "And..." I finally make eye contact with him. Shit, I still can't say his name (I know I'm so lame). "And-"

"He's going to be reading from outside resources," Finn cuts in (thank you theoretical god).

Mr. McDonald looks satisfied and goes on to his next victims. Once he's across the class, I acknowledge Finn and we do the things that we just hurriedly assigned each other.


Since we only have a week to do this project, Finn suggested that we meet up at the library. We've already spent three days not talking to each other unless Mr. McDonald passes by (sad I know). And since the weekend is around the corner, we agreed to get the real shit down today.

So here I am, in a library table. By myself. Great, I've been ditched. I pull out my phone to tell the girls about my unfortunate demise, but I think it just got worse. Finn drops his bag on a chair, then pulls out the one next to it. He sits down, adjusts his shirt and looks around the space as he taps his foot.

"Sorry I'm late," he comes crashing in onto the desk, then flops his huge backpack onto the ground. He slides his laptop gracefully onto the desk and flips it open. "So, who's going first."

I was about to say something, but he stops me. "Finn, what you got?" Did I just imagine that, or did he just glare at me? I look back at him, but he turns away, giving Finn is full attention.

When Finn was done, I open up my notes document. "Okay, so now we gotta think of a format and put all our notes together."

What. The. Hell. Did he just outright ignore me?

"Um... excuse me? I didn't get to share yet."

He finally looks at me, "So now you wanna talk. Go ahead, but just don't expect me to listen." And with that, he crosses his arms and leans back onto his chair.

"What's your deal? I haven't done anything."

"Haven't done anything?! Yeah, the only thing you've done is break up with me over TEXT, out of nowhere and ignore my messages. So yeah, you haven't really."

"SHH!!" the librarian gives us a hard glare and continues to put books on shelves.

"Yes I have, I had told you everything that morning," I whisper in a angry tone. I told him everything. I explained. Did he think it was going to be easy for me? Because it wasn't.

He laughs in disbelief, "so you dumped me for another guy. Huh? Me giving a kiss was just an excuse. I should have known, you're probably hooking up with Melvin." He then turns his head towards Finn and points a finger at him, then focuses back onto me. "Or is it this guy? It makes sense, I mean you two are always hanging out. Or better yet, you must be doing both of them " He nudges Finn on the elbow,"it must be great seeing her through that the window of yours 'cuz man-"

Everything happened so fast. One moment he's on his chair talking smack. The next, he's on the ground with a bloody nose and Finn's right hand is wrapped around his collar ready to deliver another blow with his left.

Immediately, I get on the ground too. But not to help him (of course, 'cuz he's a jerk). I pull Finn off him but he doesn't budge. Finn's eyes are filled with disgust and hatred. "Finn..." I wrap an arm around his to calm him down. He looks at me, and his eyes calm down. I nod at him and he reluctantly, let's go.

Suddenly, Marcy shows up out of now where. Instead of running to Finn, she runs to him. I look at Finn to see if he's okay with this, but he doesn't even blink. It's as if what I saw on the blacktop was nothing more but a skit from SNL. There for a day, then forgotten the next.

Marcy cradles him in her arms and pulls out a handkerchief (I know, who carries those nowadays?) from her designer purse. She cleans his nose, and gives him an extra one to help stop the bleeding.

"What's wrong with you?" She accuses as she marches over to Finn. Finn just smirks at her and walks away. Marcy huffs and goes back to tending his wound. "Are you okay? I know, he can be a jerk..."

Finn's the jerk? If anything he stood up to the jerk. I eye Finn around the library and spot him nearing the exit. I pack my laptop into my bag and slip both straps on as I chase after him (I basically skip-walk since the librarian is looking at me with hawk eyes).

Once I'm out the door and have caught up to him, I poke him. He turns. "You don't need to thank me. I just hate guys who say things like that. Especially when it's about you." Then he keeps walking on.

*I love libraries and I love you guys. Thanks for the support so much, the 40-vote mark to me, is huge. 😭Thanks guys! 😜*

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