Hermione Granger

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A/N:Hello and welcome all Dramione shippers. I had a bit of writers block the other day decided to write this to get over it. Happy Reading!

Hermione POV

I woke this morning to find that I had once again fallen asleep on my couch. I tried to remember last night's events to no avail.

I got up an  went to the kitchen to make me and Ron a cup of when I saw it. A pool of bright red blood pooled of my kitchen table, slowly dripping off of the table.

It was then that I remembered what had happened.


I had just gotten home from my day job. I am the Assistant to the Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt.

Ron heard me come in and plop down on the couch to relax. When I heard him walk in, he saw me and yelled at me, "Bitch! What do you think your doing?!"

"Relaxing?" I questioned.

"Relaxing? When you should be making dinner?" he roared and punched me in the nose hearing  satisfying crack. I cried out in agony and rushed to make pizza, his favorite.

I finished and was going to turn in for the night, when I heard him spit out the pizza.

"BITCH! YOU F*CKING BURNED IT!" he roared and grabbed a knife and flicking his wand I was disarmed and binded to the table. With another flick, I was naked.

"Ron..." I said unsure.

"Don't worry this gonna hurt, a lot." He gripped the knife and gig it into the scar. The one Bellitrix Lestrange gave me. I screamed, but with a flick of his wand, he silenced me.

He continued until it was gushing put blood. He then magiced his own clothes off forcing me into something I had wanted to wait for our wedding night for. I tried to scream, but he still had me silenced. Once he had cum, he let me up from the table and pushed me onto the floor. He kicked me in the ribs. Once. Twice. I saw the darkness creep in when he finally stopped. I put my clothes back on after he went into his room and I slept on the couch.


I jolted from my remembering by a groan and hands around my small waist.

"Hello, beautiful. How did you sleep?" he growled in my ear.

"Great. I really need to get to work now." I said as I rushed from the kitchen to put some of my favorite work clothes on.

I made a stop at St. Mungo's for them to heal me.

"Hello Hermione. You really need to be more careful," Draco Malfoy, the best Healer St. Mungo's has ever seen, said.

"Yeah, those stairs are just so slippery," I replied.

"Hermione. You should know that I know what that pathetic weasel is doing to you. And if you need help, I'd be glad to lend a hand."

"Thanks, Draco. I would like to leave him, but I am scared he'll find me."

"I'll hide you and you can run your very own company. Come on what do you say?"

"Sure when and where would we go?"

"France? Paris is very beautiful. And you could say you're going on a business trip to America and would be gone for while."

"Would tomorrow be too soon?"

"Not at all. See you here tomorrow at 6:30 AM?

"See you then."
I then apparated to the ministry to explain the situation to Kingsley.

He completely understood. Although, I did tell him that I was stressed and need to chill out in America for a while.

Then I went home to stand up to Ron and explain the fake situation to him.

Edited only(not changed): 1/09/18

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