The Reunione (Part 2)

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Recap: Then all of a sudden, the doors burst open and in came Hermione Jean Granger-Malfoy. The Brains of The Golden Trio. War Heroine. She walked confidently and with pride right up to the Weasleys and Potter.
Hermione POV

"Well if it isn't my favorite Potters," I said confidently.

Harry and Ginny whipped around and when they saw me, they wrapped me up in a bone crushing hug.

"Hermione! Where have you been?" Ginny demanded.

"Paris," I answered simply.

"What we're you doing in Paris?" Harry asked.

"Running a fashion company."

"What?" Ginny asked.

"I run the company called H.G.M. Maybe you've heard of it?"

"Heard of it! I love it!"

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Hermione Granger?" a new voice said.

"Hello, Ron."

"I thought you went to America. Instead you left me and went to Paris. Why is that?"

"Because I was sick of the way you treated me."

"What do you mean, 'Mione?" Harry interrupted.

"He abused me and expected me to do everything. He didn't have a job and got drunk on a daily basis. OUCH!" I screamed as Ron slapped me with all his might.

"RON! WHY DID YOU JUST HIT HERMIONE!" Ginny and Harry yelled in unison.

"Because she was making up lies about me."

"No I wasn't, actually. And you had no right to hit me and when my husband finds out..."

"HUSBAND!" They yelled in unison once again.

"Yeah. I'm sorry guys but I didn't want Ronald to find me. So, I only kept in touch with very few people after Hogwarts."

"So, what does this husband of yours do?" Ginny asked.

"He is the Heads Healer at the best hospital in France."

"How many kids?"

You'll see. So, where's Fred and George?"

"We're .."

"Right here,"

"Hermione." They finished.

"Hey guys. How are you?"

"We're great and I love the new male section of your boutique. Really nice material," George said.

"Oh, George. You're too kind."

"Oh here come the kids," Harry said, interrupting our conversation.

A/N: I am so sorry for how short it is. I really need to get this over with so that Harry and the others can meet her ten kids and learn that there are two on the way. What will happen next? Find put next week!

I want to let everyone know that I will be doing a double update on Monday in Honor of the total eclipse. See you then xxx

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