The Reunion (Part 1)

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Hello guys and gals! I decided to do the reunion in parts, so I'm not sure how many parts to do so please comment and tell me. Without further adue... ENJOY!

Hermione POV

The afternoon of the reunion I found myself rushing around attempting to get my youngest kids ready to go.

It wasn't until 5:30 that we were finally ready. Luna wore a knee length, white dress that had vines and flowers climbing up from the bottom and a pair of white ballet flats to go with it. Her hair was in a neat braided bun with flowers within it.

Percy wore a set of new, green dress robes. The under shirt was a pale green button up, a tie to match, with a black top layer to top it all off. He wore a pair of black dress shoes and his hair was  just like Draco's.

Draco wore the exact same thing as Percy, as did Liam.

"Now let's go over the plan. I will apparate alone and will be a maximum of 15 minutes late and will make a big entrance to the Great Hall. After about an hour, the students will be allowed to come in. They will go to you and you will send Luna over and she will complain about something therefore revealing that I am married and have almost 12 kids. Everyone clear on the plan?" I said to them.

"Yes, dear. Now let's go," Draco said grabbing Luna and Percy's hands and then apparating.

"Bye mum, see you later," Liam and Clem said.

"Bye, help your father keep an eye on your siblings."

And with that, they were gone. I went to the kitchen and got a glass of water. As I drank the water, I thought about what Draco was doing.

Draco POV

When I appeared at Hogwarts, Professor Mcgonagall greeted us and said, "Good Evening, Mr. Malfoy. Hello, little ones. What are your names?"

"I am Luna Minerva Malfoy," Luna said.

"And I am Percy William Malfoy," Percy said.

"You named your daughter after me. How sweet. Now, you must be going. Have a nice time, Mr. Malfoy."

"You as well, Professor."

When we walked in, all heads turned to me. I walked confidently to where Neville, Luna, Pansy, Theo, Blaise, and Astoria were.

"AUNT LUNA!" the two kids by my side  screamed.

We talked for a while trying to keep an eye on the kids as well as an eye out for Hermione.

Then all of a sudden, the doors burst open and in came Hermione Jean Granger-Malfoy. The Brains of The Golden Trio. War Heroine. She walked confidently and with pride right up to the Weasleys and Potter.

What will happen next time. Stay tuned. I will update by noon on Monday, so keep an eye out. I will be putting a schedule of what I will update when as I am starting a Drarry fanfic. So comment ideas for that. Please vote it makes my day. It made my day that even 5 people liked this enough to vote for it and I hope that other's will as well. Thanks! Have a nice night/morning/evening!

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