25 years after the War(Children)

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This chapter is all about Hermione and Draco's children. Enjoy the "creative" names and personalities that I came up with. (Summer of 2023 )

(F) =female

22: (F) Clementine Rose Malfoy. A healer for the best hospital in France. She is a feisty, intelligent bookworm who isn't afraid to speak her mind. She is nice to the house elves and was made president of S.P.E.W by her mother. She is a Daddy's girl and has his love of potions and cunningness. She was in Gryffindor at Hogwarts. She moved into the house next to her parents when she was 19. Clem inherited her father's blonde hair, pale skin, and high cheek bones, while she got her mother's eyes, lips, and curly hair. Birthday: February 20, 2001
(M) Liam Abraxas Malfoy. An auror for the Ministry of Magic in France. He is also very intelligent and very cunning. He is more quiet than his twin. He is also very kind to the house elves that his mother insisted that they free and pay. One galleon a month is all they would take. He was in Slytherin at Hogwarts. He moved into the house in front of his parents when he was 19. Liam and Clem are identical twins, except Liam's hair is pin straight. Birthday: February 20, 2001

17: (F) Bella Narcissa Malfoy. In her seventh and final year at Hogwarts. She is very intelligent, creative, and is in Ravenclaw and has a boyfriend named James Sirius Potter. She along with her older sister cares for house elves rights and wants to free all of them. Bella has long curly dirty blond hair, freckles, high cheek bones and full lips. But her eyes were what everyone loved. Her eyes were a stormy grey color with flecks of chocolate brown and emerald green. Birthday: December 2, 2006
(F) Nymphadora Molly Malfoy. In her seventh and final year at Hogwarts. She is, like her sisters and brothers, highly intelligent, very kind and is in Hufflepuff and is single so that she can focus on her studies. She cares for house elves, just not like her twin, older sister, and mother. Dora has curly brown hair, freckles, high cheek bones, and full lips. Along with her sis, everyone loved her eyes. Hers were a chocolate brown color, with flecks of grey, silver, and green. Birthday: December 2, 2006

14: (M) Draco Luscious Malfoy II. In his forth year at Hogwarts. He is in Slytherin and was crowned the prince of Slytherin, the first one since Draco Malfoy himself, on the last day of his first year. While he is his father's duplicate in looks, he is just like his mother on the inside. He happens to have his mother's brains, courage, and bravery, but also his father's cunningness and ambition. He has pale blonde hair, pale skin, and high cheek bones. His eyes, however, were chocolate brown with flecks of stormy grey in them. Birthday: January 7, 2009

11: (M) Fred James Malfoy. Going to start his first year and wants to be in Gryffindor like his heroes, Fred and George. He is an amazing prankster, along with George and Olive. (He is a triplet) He loves to make people laugh and smile. He doesn't real care about school and instead wants to one day work at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. He loves to create new pranks and pull them on unsuspecting victims. He plays chaser in Quidditch. He has dirty blonde hair, pale blue eyes, and high cheek bones. Birthday: April 1, 2012
        (M) George Arthur Malfoy. See above.
        (F) Olive Taylor Malfoy. See above. Except, plays as seeker in Quidditch.

5: (F) Luna Minerva Malfoy. She is a very quiet child, but isn't afraid to speak her mind. She got her mother's love of books and her father's love of potions. She also will believe in ANYTHING, like her "Aunt," Luna Lovegood. She wants to play Quidditch, but her mother forbade her saying that it's too dangerous. She has pale blonde hair, high cheek bones, and full lips. Her eyes are stormy grey with flecks of chocolate brown within it. Birthday: November 4, 2018

3: (M) Percy William Malfoy. He is a quiet child who looks up to his 14 year old brother because he is highly intelligent and very kind to him. One day, he wants to be just like him. He has brown hair, pale blue eyes, high cheek bones, and full lips. Birthday: July 9, 2020

UNBORN: Hermione has 2 unborn children growing in her stomach. They are a boy and a girl. Due date: May 2, 2023

Hermione Jean Granger Malfoy. When her and Draco both went back to Hogwarts, they were both appointed Head Boy and Girl. Harry and Ron decided not to go back and instead became Aurors. Hermione and Draco became fast friends. They had so much in common. She also became fast friends with Blaise, Pansy, and Theo. She also got closer to Neville and Luna. After school, she was offered a position as an Auror, but declined. And instead applied for a position in a lower department. Within a single year, she rose to almost the top of the Ministry. Ron had proposed on the date of the One Year Anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. She said yes and that is when abuse began. However, when she had gotten the promotion, she left and went to Paris, France with Draco Malfoy. They dated for 2 years and he finally proposed. They had a small, but beautiful ceremony. When they moved away from London, she started her own fashion company called, H.G.M. When she had her first set of twins, she was the most popular designer in both the wizarding world and the muggle world.

1) Edited only: 1/09/18
2) Edited again: 7/1/18

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