The Reunion(Part 3)

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Previously: You'll see. So, where's Fred and George?"

"We're .."

"Right here,"

"Hermione." They finished.

"Hey guys. How are you?"

"We're great and I love the new male section of your boutique. Really nice material," George said.

"Oh, George. You're too kind."

"Oh here come the kids," Harry said, interrupting our conversation

Hermione POV

I watched as my six kids walked through the doors and immediately went over to Draco.

We kept talking, and Ron occasionally giving me the evil eye, until someone tugged on my dress.

"Mummy. Fred and George are being mean to me," Percy said as I picked him up.

"What did they do?" I asked, ignoring the confused looks of my friends.

"They played a prank where my mouth was gone and they also dyed my hair Slytherin green with silver polka dots."

"That's terrible. So who turned it back to normal?"

"Clemintine did."

"Alright I will have to talk to Fred and George about this."

"Hermione who are they?" Harry asked.

"Oh, where are my manners. Harry, this is Percy William. Percy this is Harry Potter."

Percy hopped out of my arms and ran over to him and gave his leg a hug, until Harry decided to pick him up.

"Hello, little guy. Do you know who you are named after?" Harry asked.

"Ahuh. Percy Weasley and Bill Weasley."

"Mum, please don't punish us...." Fred said, walking over.

"If it makes it any better, that prank was for Dad," George finished.

"Fred, George, I don't care if that was meant for someone else. You still did it and your little brother got in the way. Now, where is the other third?" I asked.

"I'm right here mum," Olive said.

"Hello. I'm Fred..."

"And I'm George..."

"And we own Weasley's Wizard Wheezes!" They finished together.

"OMG! You guys are our idols!" My triplets said together.

"Well I would figure. You are named after us."

"Once again I ask, Hermione, how many kids do you have?" Ginny asked.

"I guess you'll have to wait and see."

"Mum, I have to go. Work tomorrow. I'll see you for breakfast though," Clem said, giving me a hug. "Liam has to leave too, but..."

"It's fine. I'll just give him a hug tomorrow."

"Hello, I'm Clemintine Rose. I am a healer in France. I have to go."

As she walks off, Bella and Dora walk over with James Sirius Potter.

"Dad, this is my girlfriend, Bella. Bella, this is my Dad, Harry Potter," he introduces.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Potter," she says politely.

"Please, call me Harry. Son, have you met her family?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I went over the summer, remember."

"Hi. I'm Dora..."

"Dora," I warned.

"Fine. I am Nymphadora Molly. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance," she says, stiffly.

"Mum's gonna be happy," Ginny said.

"MUMMY! They left me all alone with Dad and mini Dad. Pick me up," Luna says and I obliged.

"Luna, meet Harry, Ginny, Fred, George, and Ron. Guys meet Luna Minerva," I introduced.

"Hello," they said in unison.

"Hi," she said.

"I guess it's time to meet my husband, hmm?" I questioned.


"First, you have to promise not to be mad in any way shape or form. You will not yell, scream or hex anyone, okay?"

"Okay, okay, just let us meet him," Ginny begged.

"Luna, go get daddy and all of your Aunts and Uncles and bring them here, okay?"

"Okay, mummy." And with that she runs off.

"Wands. Now," I demand.

"What?" Ron and Harry say in unison.

"Now. Accio wands," I take their wands and they are not happy. "Fed, George, you may have to hold them back. So, go behind them and wait." They do as I instructed.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist.

"HERMIONE! Be careful, there's a deatheater behind you," Harry yelled, struggling to get out of Fred's grasp.

"He is no longer a deatheater and apologized for everything. No one really came back from our year, so I had to make some changes. This is Blaise, Pansy, Theo, and Astoria. I got close to them and I got closer to Neville and Luna. They all apologized for everything and I believe them. So, don't attack them or we attack you," I threatened.

"Hermione. How could you? You left me for a slimy snake and became friends with other snakes. How?" Ron roared.

"In our eighth year," Neville began, "House rivalry went way down. Like, it's nonexistent, even now. We all became friends and even sat at different tables. Quidditch rivalry is still there, but all in good fun. We never took any trash talk seriously. It was nice. And, no more getting cursed in hallways or have to worry about getting cursed."

"Fred, let Harry go. If he promises bot to hurt anyone. Do you promise?" I said.

"I promise," he says as Fred lets him go.

"Malfoy, I'm sorry I was a such a git in the past. You wanna be friends from here on out?" He asked sticking his hand out.

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