Falling Down (Prolouge)

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Your POV:


Oh no.

Don't tell me this freaking tent is going to fall down too!

Hair in a mess, you feel the rocks and dirt under the tent start to roll towards the bottom. Cursing under you're breath, you quickly attempt to take your legs out of your sleeping bag, but at the angle and position you're at, you can't barely move them. There's only one way to get out of this...

You put your head face-first into the dirt, and roll out of the tent. A stoic taste fills your mouth, and you try to spit it out. Once you're out of the tent, you can see what happened. A small rock, barely bigger then a pebble, had rolled down, and it caused all the other rocks to roll downward too. Wow. Thanks a lot, Rube Goldberg.

Now you can easily slip your legs out of your sleeping bag. Don't want to hop around there all day, do you?

As you stretch, you hear a sound that makes your heart beat frantically.


"NO!" you yell and you jump towards the tent, with all your food and items, not to mention clothes. You manage to grab the tent by one of the poles, but it's really, really heavy. Panting, you feel adrenaline course through your veins, and bit by bit, you pull the tent up, until it's back to what it was, and you fall to the ground, feeling like crap.

You were on a hiking trip up Mt. Ebott, the mountain where the monsters had lived. They don't live there anymore, though. Now they're frolicking up here in the Surface. They've been here for six months, and it was mostly thanks to Frisk, you're best friend. Although you're happy Frisk saved the monsters and broke the barrier(?), you feel a little jealous. Why did Frisk get all the honor? If I decided to fall down that hole, I could do something like that, you think. You realize you should better get going.

After you fix yourself up (other than some bruises and scrapes), pack everything up, and get your water bottle stuffed inside your backpack, you're ready to go. The rockiness of the mountain is so different from the grassy terrain of your yard. You look down, and you get a little dizzy from the sight. You're almost to the top. To you, it seems surprising that you've got this high. Usually, if someone would ask you to do something like this, you'd reply, "That's too much work." But this time, you gather your energy and stay confident.

While you walk, you think about the legends of the monsters that used to live under Mt. Ebott. Although almost everyone regarded this as a myth, you didn't. Everyone, your friends, family, always told you had a big imagination. You've always wondered about the monsters there, but you were never as courageous as Frisk and actually went down there. As you trot farther, the terrain becomes more unstable, but you don't notice. You just keep on daydreaming in that imaginative mind of yours.

A crack brings you back to reality. You look around, but the only stick you see is up ahead. Weird. You continue walking, and you think about Frisk. You haven't seen her since before she fell down. Apparently, Frisk became the ambassador to monsters and humans. Some people still don't trust monsters. You, on the other hand, don't really mind too much. Now that you think about it, you feel bad for Frisk. They have to do all that work... getting people to trust monsters, helping the monsters have a life. Doing that alone is hard, and you haven't seen Frisk at all or anything... you consider trying to help her out. When you're done with your hike, maybe then you can help Frisk out.

You take a peek up ahead, and your eyes widen in excitement. You're literally half a kilometer away from the top. Focusing back on your hike, you're almost to the hole. But that's not what interests you. It's that someone has beaten you to the top.


You see another girl, about your age. Not noticing you, she stares at the view. Her hair is dark red, and she's wearing a green shirt with a one yellow stripe. You don't even realize how amazing the view is because you're confused about the girl. Why is she there? Maybe she's like you, just watching the view. But you suspect something else...

Before you can turn around, the girl turns around first. To you this seems ironic. She already beat me to climbing Mt. Ebott, now does she have to beat me in turning around first? you think. Since when did you become so competitive?

"Oh, um... hi! I didn't know anyone else was here..." says the girl. It seems like she's nice.

"Nah, it's fine," you say. "I didn't expect anyone else either." You feel anxious around this girl for some reason.

"So... I'm Chara! Um... who are you?" She sounded like she was asking a question.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot! I'm (Y/N)... so...uh... why did you come up here?" The second you ask the question, you realize that she's probably here for the same reason as you.

"Well, to... y'know... see the sights... and to check out the hole!" Something tells you that's not the whole story, but you don't pester Chara.

"Oh... well, okay." Now that you've gotten over the excitement of seeing Chara, you actually notice the view. It's not as amazing as you expected it to be. To you, you just see it and that's it.

You decide to look at the hole. Even though it sounds less interesting then the view of your town, it actually looks a lot more exciting. You squint, and you make out something yellow. What, sunlight? Flowers? Painted wa-

That's when she pushes you in.


As you fall, you wonder if anyone still  lives in the Underground. You see the yellow stuff- you can tell they're flowers now- racing toward you. You're not really scared, after all, Frisk survives, and you remember them saying that 6 other kids fell down and survived as well. Pretty good chance of survival, you think.

That's when you land on something furry.
Word count: 961

Author's Note:
This was my first EVER story I wrote on WattPad! (I know it sucks, you don't need to lie...)
Who's the furry thing? Why did Chara push you in the hole? Find out in the next chapter!

Okay, I did rewrite of this chapter, because when I was checking some stats, I found out that people that read this chapter only read, like, half of it, so I figured I needed to make it better, so I put a bit of action into this. Hopefully it's a lot better then what it used to be!

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