Good to Know

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Frisk's POV:
"So you guys don't know this guy at all?" I ask.

"Nope," (Y/N) answers. I look to Chara, but she doesn't know as well.

"Well, I sent Sans a message. He should be coming..." I say. "Any minute now..."

Suddenly, a flash meets my gaze, and Sans and Asriel are in front of me. "Heya."

"Hi, Sans. Did you get my text?" I ask.


"So. . ."

"Well, uh, I think we-"

"I may know something about the Gaster guy," Asriel says, interrupting Sans. "He was the Royal Scientist before Alphys... and he... erm, he-"

"And, uh, can anyone around here read Wingdings?" Chara asks, interrupting Asriel.

I look to Sans, and he says, "I can read them. Ya need the help?"

Chara nods sympathetically. She hands him the book, but then Sans stops. "Wait... how'd you know this was on non-existence if ya can't read the title?"

"Oh, erm, I..." It seems as Chara's rosy cheeks turn a darker shade of pink,"I can read it... a little bit. I don't really remember much now, though."

"Yeah, she took a really long time just to decode the title," (Y/N) points out.

Chara looks at (Y/N), annoyed, then says, "Just tell us what it says."

"Okey dokey, then." Sans proceeds to open the book. It all looks like gibberish to me, but I continue to stare at the weird mailboxes.

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I notice the look on Sans face is one I've never seen before. Not only are his pupils gone, his smile has slipped. It's like something just came at him like a wrecking ball.

 It's like something just came at him like a wrecking ball

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I've never expected him to act like this either. Usually nothing surprises Sans, like he's done it all before. But this... this gets him.

"S...Sans? You okay?" Azzy asks. Eyes staying dark, Sans stares at the page.

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