Teen dance star, pop singer and famous ice skater Kyabele Winters falls for teen singer Martinus Gunnarsen. From two different worlds, with different dreams and hopes. They have no clue who each other are and what they do. What happens when they fi...
I woke up and got ready. I got King up and ready. Aunt Nyx told me to wake up Dayton. I walked into his room and the aroma of teenage boy sweat filled the room.
I jumped on top of him and he groaned. "My mom sent you in here huh?" He asked. "Yep, now up, up, up!" I said. I got off and he rolled out if bed.
I walked out and downstairs and into the kitchen. I don't have school today, because I am getting enrolled, but I do Monday. I am going to do a few YouTube videos today.
We all ate breakfast then Dayton, McKenna, Teegan, Fay, Lila, Cello, Austin, and Ryder all went to school. McKenna is in college, so is Teegan.
Teegan is in his third year of college, but he is going to be a dentist, so he is going for 8 years. McKenna is going to college to be private investigator. All the adults left, leaving King and I alone.
I grabbed my camera, notepad and King and went out to the tree house. One I got in I shut the door and since there was nothing but a table and two chairs I set King on a chair, I sat in one then I set the camera down and began to video tape.
"Hey guys, it is Kyabele and today I am going to do a Q&A! I asked for questions on Twitter and now I am going to answer them!"
"What happened to Kayabrie? She umm, she died from lack of air getting to her brain. Why did you leave Norway? I left so I could be closer to my family. Why are Kaeley and I not friends anymore? Sometimes people grow apart."
"Will you continue making music? Yes I will. When is my next concert? Not sure, but I will keep you up to date. Are you coming out with new singles? Yes I am. Are you coming out with new albums? Not right now. Will I sing any covers? Sure, just leave a comment of what cover you want."
"When will you come back? If you mean come back to Norway, there is a good chance I will for a tour but other than that I won't. Why are you going to Greece? To be closer with my family. When are you doing your world tour? May 29th - August 7th."
"Who is your celebrity crush? Leo Howard. Who is your favorite muser? It is a tie between Emma Gunnarsen and Marcus and Martinus. Who was your first kiss? His name is Nick. Who was your first crush? Nick. Who was your first love? Martinus Gunnarsen."
"When is your next ice skating show? Tonight. Will you and Kaeley still do concerts together? No. How many kids do you want in the future? Three or four. Where in the world do you want to live? Ontario Canada"
"What future job do you want? A massage therapist. And last but not least, What college do you want to go to? Queens University in Ontario Canada"
"Well thanks for watching, please like and subscribe and have a fantastic day!" I said. I was editing it, then I posted it. I also posted a tweet.
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I turned off my phone, laptop and camera, grabbed King and we went back inside. We went to the living room and I was trying to get him to say something, anything.
"Come on King, I know you can" I said. He just gave me a blank stare. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. No use. My phone rang. I picked it up and it was my ice skating teacher Mr.Latsi.
I answered.
Me- Hello? Mr.Latsi- Can you come down to the rink to practice? Me- Sure, but I have a baby... Mr.Latsi- That is fine, we have a kids center for him. Me- Okay, see you soon.
We hung up and I got Kings stuff and my stuff. I wrote a note that read:
Dear who ever finds this note first... I am at ice skating practice with King. I will come back before the performance! Love Kyabele.
I picked up King and since you have to be 21 before you can drive here I had to put him in a stroller and walk to the rink.
I got there and set King in the baby/toddlers area then got ready. I practiced my heart out. By the time I was done correcting myself on what had to be fixed I practiced again and nailed it. Mr.Latsi walked in.
"You did great!" He cheered. "Thanks" I said then drank some water. I practiced until an hour 'til curtain.
I went home with King and we all ate, then I put my hair in a tight bun, and out my ice skating outfit on? I did my makeup and we all went to the rink.
Nyx had King, and they were all up in the risers. The performance started and a lot of girls/boys were really good. It was my turn. I did my whole thing and finished. They were announcing everyone's place.
I excepted to get third place, but I was in first. Everyone clapped as I got my trophy, then we went home. I showered and put King to bed. I got in bed and dazed off.