Part Two

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We rocked up and the place was already packed and in full swing. After downing a few bottles of Smirnoff Black, my cousins were ready to hit the dance floor and get their groove on. By now I was on a happy buzz from the drinks and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I probably looked more high than drunk but I didn't care, the place was dark with flashing lights, no one was watching me. They played my Jam by Next 'Too close' and man I dropped it like it was HAWT. Me and my cousins were doing the skanky dance, geeing up the closest guys near us. My cousin had some freshie ass looking dude grinding up on her making me and my other cousins laugh hard out. I was having the best time of my life dancing my ass off to my jam like there was no tomorrow. I started swinging my arms out with my eyes closed with the cheesiest smile on my face. I forgot for a split second that I was in a club and not in my room with the stereo loud day dreaming. My swinging arms connected with someone's solid back. Opening my eyes quickly to apologise for my clumsiness I was leaning in to yell sorry in his ear when the guy spun around too quick to see who knocked into him and it made me jump back, dodging his shoulder from kissing my face only I stepped back and nearly did the splits on the dance floor cause I stood where someone had spilt their drink. My arms were flailing and my legs were sliding retardedly like I was ice skating. I grabbed the nearest person near me to stop my fall, which was my cousins freshie dance partner who in surprise from getting his shirt jerked down grabbed my cousins arm to support himself up to no avail as all four of us, including the guy I knocked in the back went down gracefully (heaps of graceful falling) More like we rock bottomed the dance floor lmfao.

While the sound of my Jam drowned our groans and grunts I felt someone lift me up from behind and put me back on my feet. For a sec I actually felt like I was floating with the way they carried me so easily. That or I was just high on life. Dusting myself off I helped my cousin up before the freshie reached out for her and decided to pick up from where they left off haha my baad..Someone cleared their throat behind me, even though the music was pumping it's amazing what your ears can pick up. Spinning on my heels a lil too fast I lost my footing and 2 big strong arms grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in..

"I get the whole falling in love thing..but literally falling? I could get use to this" he said grinning like an iguy. Shocked by his lame pickup line I shrugged him off

"I could get use to this too" smirking at him I looked for an escape route and was on my way. I needed a smoke and bad (Social smoker).

Making my way to the sports bar I could feel two pairs of eyes following me. Two moekolo eyes that managed to get me alone at the bar. A'e now what..Sparking up my smoke he stood there awkwardly before taking a seat beside me..


"huh" nodding towards my smoke I rolled my makas at him before putting it back out, which received a winning grin on his face..

"Lana" I said hoping to end the convo..

I gotta admit though, that winning grin pretty much won me over haha. At first I grudgingly answered his 21 ques but the more he pressed on the more I started to let loose. Guess I just gave up being stubborn lol. That night we swapped no.s and parted ways. Who knows if I'll ever see him again..Next morning I woke up with the meanest hang over..Gripping the edge of the bed as I waited for the pounding in my head to settle, I dragged myself into the bathroom pulling my towel off the door. Going through my iPod I decided Keri Hilson would do the trick. There was just something about her songs that clicked. Hitting play I jumped into the shower and the sounds of Pretty Girl Rock resonated through the iPod speakers. I sighed. Today was gonna be a long day...

Hoping the cold shower would wake me up and help with the pounding headache, I started recalling the previous nights events and then wished I blanked it all out. Giving myself a silent lecture over my drunken antics on the dance floor and scrunching up my face in disgust. I realise now why I rarely go out with my cousins. They're a bunch of hooligans.

Tip toeing back to my room so I don't wake my parents up and get the whole interrogation, I made it halfway down the hallway and then my phone started vibrating and the song rang out loud. My eyes nearly popping out and I nearly dropped my towel when I heard 'Boom!Boom!Boom!Boom! I want you in my room. Let's spend the night together, from now until forever. Boom Boom Boom Boom I wanna go BOOM BOOM!' My tip toeing ended up becoming the run of shame to my room tapping my phone to turn it off. My damn cousins changed my ringtone and out of all songs they chose Venga Boys?! OML. If my mum woke up and heard that the only boom boom I'd be getting is from her fist connecting with my face lmao. Putting my phone on silent I answered the call and got the surprise of my life when I found out it was Mikaele. The guy from the club who I used as a landing mat when I fell on the dance floor last night haha. I spun out, he actually kept my number and then like a typical girl I tried to make my voice sound cool and sexy, but low enough so my parents wouldn't hear me. With the biggest smile on my face pacing back and forth in my room because I was too giddy to sit still. And even when I did sit down on the edge of my bed, I'd cross my leg over the other, my left hand holding the phone to my ear while I twirled my hair with my other hand LMAO. Yes I painted a pretty picture of me acting like a moepi (little ishhh), still in my towel by the way. But here's how our convo went.

*Answers phone whispering* Hello?

Mikaele - this Kaylana?

*still whispering* yeah who's this?

Mikaele- It's Mikaele from the club last night. Do you remember me?

*inserts sexy low and husky voice* Hey,how could I forget *giggles like a frigid*...

And the rest of the conversation consisted of me mastering the skill of mesmerizing him with my sexy 'Come at me' voice but when I think about it now. I probably must've sounded more like a man with a rapist voice. But it must've hypnotized him because he asked me out for breakfast. Which I accepted, not only because as I recalled with my drunken vision last night that he was cute, but mainly because I was starving and I needed something hot and decent in my stomach to get rid of the alcohol that was still in my system. We agreed to go maccas (I know, romantic aye. Pft not) and because it was just a 10 minute walk from my house I told him I'd meet him there. And because it was only Mc Donald's and it was morning I decided not to over do it by dressing up. And dressing too casually for breakfast for me meant going in my pyjama bottoms and singlet but that would be just an over kill so I decided trackie pants, a shirt and runners will do. My hair was still damp from my shower so I left it down figuring the morning breeze will help dry it. Satisfied with what I had on I made my way to Maccas.

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