Part Three

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My stomach started growling and every step I took made me want to spew up. The morning breeze was more like a gust of wind turning it into a tug of war battle. The wind kept winning. I eventually reached Maccas and I spotted Mikaele through the window sitting at a chair waiting. He finally noticed me and boy the look on his face was priceless. I was a site to behold. Aphrodite would've envied me. Lmao kidding!!!! What he saw walking in was a fob girl with hair so dry it looked windswept that supermodels pay thousands just to get the exact look. Ok I'm kidding again, it was more frizzy and afro. When I stood in front of him I gave him a weak smile and excused myself so I could go to the bathroom to spew up. I finally saw myself in the mirror and nearly screamed at my hairdo. Forcing it down I wanted to die of shame. Mikaele probably took one look at me and thought damn how drunk was he that he thought I was even slightly pretty. Beer goggles are dangerous. I had a pity party in the Maccas toilet :L I knew when I walked out of the toilet he'd have taken off. Oh well I might as well eat since I'm here. When I had the kahuna's to go out I found him standing outside the girls toilet door waiting for me and for the second time in one morning, my eyes nearly popped out again hahaha. He didn't run off, he asked me if I was ok and I just nodded. He looked way better in daylight than he did last night, and damn his cologne smelt good. Too good in fact that I could feel my stomach twisting in knots. Either I was makua nervous or I just wanted to spew again. I guess greeting him with a kiss is gonna have to wait. Auuu kissing him even what a confident guy aye. Only just got here and already I'm looking forward to the next. Lost in my third world problems I didn't notice him slip his hand around my waist, tug me in. Leading me to the counter. Though I was thinking 'this guy' I was secretly thankful because the last few moments left me a tad lightheaded. And yes I'm talking about spewing lol. I could feel my taste buds tingling at the sight of the meals on display. Yea nothing fancy about Macca's but when you're starving like I was then everything becomes top of the class material haha..

*Chick at counter in her fia Palagi accent*

Her- HI guyz, what do u want?..

Excuse me?

Her- *googly eyes at Mika* oh HEY habib. What CHU like tda?

Mika- Whatever she's having...

Her- *faali'i makas* Yea?

Let's just say that the one thing they don't like is when you order your meals, question everything that is on the menu, and then choose something totally different. And I did just that :) Looking over my shoulder Mika was carrying our tray shaking his head in amusement as I led the way to the seats further away from human contact lol. I ain't anti social but I hate eating in front of ppl. They don't have to say anything. It's like they're judging you with their eyes lol. I could feel my mouth watering as the smell hit my nostrils bang on. Not even waiting for Mika I devoured my meal like a starving kid eating for the first time. For awhile he just sat there. Staring. But the sparkle in his eyes read something else. Shrugging off whatever was in that pretty head of his he followed suit. Leaving any signs of mannerism lol.

Finally I leant back in victory, stomach fully satisfied. He'd finished awhile ago and just sat there watching me like a moekolo. Feeling the need to speak I cleared my throat..


Mika- You done?

Ah yea?

Mika- So let's talk..

Oh..*Taking a sip at my drink*

Mika- Go out with me

*spits out what I was sipping*Wuaaah??

Mika- *Wipes his face*Laughs it off but really looking like he's gonna flip out LOL* You heard me

*Apologetic look* sorry

Mika- Sorry you don't want too or sorry I should've asked you sooner? *flashing that winning grin of his that made me want to melt*


Mika- I'll take that as a yes. What are you doing later tonight? I'll come get you so we can get to know each other more. What do you say?

Not waiting for my reply, not that I was gonna say anything being too shocked and what not he planted a lingering kiss on my lips that had me shiver at the spine. If I thought I was full then I was damn wrong about that lmao. My senses left me wanting more and I couldn't have been more hungrier if it wasn't for the taste on my mouth from last nights food contents. Ergh what an idiot I totally forgot..instantly pulling back as if he had stung my lips I stood up almost too fast which had me holding onto the table fearing that my legs were gonna give way. My headache that had been forgotten only moments ago had hit me full force and I cursed myself for botzing it. Looking around I noticed Mika wasn't in sight. Wow. I see how it is. Kama was just looking for the right moment to gap. Typical..The room had stopped spinning and I was ready to go home. I was mad that he'd left. Mad that I had a hangover. And just mad at the world lmao. Pushing my body against the door to open it the back of the door connected with something and all I could hear was something hit the pavement followed by groaning lol. Peeking through the glass I realised I hit someone. My goodness! Lending them a hand it wasn't till I was face to face that I clicked. It was Mika. And the bag on the floor was from the chemist? Aye..

"I thought you could use this" as he handed over the paper bag..

Nurofen, Water and gum? LOL while I'll be damned..

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