Tavita??! What can I say, I was shocked.
"I could've knocked you out. What were you doing creepin into ya own house?" Weirdo.
He could've just asked. I didn't pay much attention to what he said next but the idiot wanted me to apologize? Pfft nikka pls! lol Telling him I had a spare key I left him to go grab it. When I got back he was already snatching it outta my hand.
"Ah rude!" He shut the door on my face which p'd me off even more and if that wasn't enough his mums shingle happened to fall hitting me in the nose arggghhhh..
"YOUR WELCOME" I was about to storm off and throw a hissy fit til I remembered the keys. Letting myself inside I could hear Tupac's California playing which led me to his room where I barged in without a care if he was decent or not.
"Da heck ya do.." rolling my makas before snatching the keys next to him I barked
"Next time get your own keys!" And I was out the door. I was about to shut the front door behind me when I bumped into Samuel.
"Hey what's the rush?" just being around him made me feel at ease (sigh) but I was still mad at Vita so I nodded towards his room and walked off...
From that day onwards my friendship with Vita grew. And the more time we spent together the more my inner hulk was being tested lol. People began to talk and before long Samuel became distant. He went from being my personal driver to palming me off to Vita. I never really did understand why but who was I to question? He was always so busy doing who knows what he never really had time for me to begin with, shrugs. So whenever I needed to go somewhere it was always with Vita. Whether it be late-night shopping, dropping me off to work, or just staying home while the oldies were out reliving their teenage days lol. Kama always feeling the need to clean out my fridge but every time in the corner of my eye his brother Samuel wasn't too far off. Like a shadow lurking through daylight he was always near. Always doing something close by. And as much as I didn't mind having Vita around it was Samuel whose presence made me feel..safe...Okay so now I'm getting ahead of myself and youse are probs wondering what did I miss?
Remember my ex Mika? Well the nikka somehow managed to find my address because he decided to come pay me a visit. And as lovely as that sounds, sarcastic voice. Kama was in no way part of my life. He lives in the past and the rest is history. Ahem. But seeing him pull up in front of my house brought back so many emotions I wished I had shoved down. Deep within. Because like water being sucked into the drain as soon as the plug was removed, I felt my inner pipes clog up, stomach wrench and the waterworks rise within me. I was in no way capable of handling him on my own. And in this state? What can I do?
Vita was about to get into his car when I called out to him,
"Is one of your brothers home?" Please say yes. Pls say yes.
"Yea inside" Relief..
"Can you get them pls" wanting to keep Mika's car in sight as if one look away could mean the death of me. But hearing Vita whistle and seconds later the sound of the door swinging open made me settle a lil knowing that I wasn't alone. I watched as Samuel and Kenai move towards the side fence separating their yard from mine, never once taking their eyes of my ex. Cringing at the sound of his voice I turned to see Mika introducing himself as my bf.
"Ex gf" I managed to say.
Those two words felt so raw coming out of my mouth. Just the way my emotions felt in that instant. Seeing him again, after that fateful day. That voice. Those words. That hug...Gripping onto the hose I had been holding while watering mums plants before all this was happening, my eyes couldn't help but wander over him. Mika, the guy I attacked on the dance floor lol. The one who called first. Who had the chance to run on sight but chose not too. Who went to the chemist for my well being. The same guy who hit me with such force. The very one who shattered my heart and then have an innocent child walk all over it. So many feelings, such numbness. It was like a freshly wound being hit, in the same spot, with the same force. Over and over again. How one could inflict so much pain and not care? I would never understand..And just like that I came back to reality. Tension clearing like a fog being sucked into abyss. The sounds of my crying filling my ears once again.
"I'm pretty sure you just drowned your mums plants" Vita said wiping away my tears before Samuel took his place.
I felt so tired. Physically, mentally and emotionally. Samuel must've picked up on it as he led me inside, never leaving my side. As we sat on the couch he began to say something but I couldn't contain myself and wailed like a dying chick in his arms. I've never felt so vulnerable then that day. Who knows how long we stayed like that, him holding me as I sobbed the day away. Someone wise told me that letting go is a challenge in itself but getting over it could be just as challenging, if not harder. People always say keep yourself occupied to take your mind off of the situation. Personally I think it's more effective to just let it out as it comes. Be down, be pathetic, be dismal, be angry, you have the right too. You're supposed too. Just remember to not lose the inability to connect to the world. The people in your life are your crutches. Let them be there. It's free..
And yes that someone was Puspos lol. Which one? Well that's for me to know and you to wonder ;)

Playing For Keeps
RomanceHow do you know when someone likes you? You know when they don't flirt with ya in a way that makes ya think they're tryna get in your pants, but compliments ya and makes ya smile all the time with what they say. When their day is brighter cause they...