Part Fourteen

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We went and had a feed and just could not keep our hands off each other. I was floating on cloud nine and didn't care who saw us. Living next door to my bf was everything a girl wanted. Our fights, and we have a lot, could be known as World War IV. Tavita would always complain

"Can't youse two argue in your heads where no one else can hear youse?!"

Followed by Sam saying on frustration

"It's your sister!" Which I would yell back

"It's your brother!" Haha poor guy. Sometimes when we argued in front of Kenai he'd say something stupid like

"Youse are making me miss my Keige. I'm going to call her just to start a fight with her. She's sexy when she's mad" which usually would ruin our fights cause we'd laugh at Kenai.

Sam officially came over to speak to my parents to ask for permission to date me. My parents were more than pleased. And so were his parents. There were days where Sam would pick me up from work and whisk me away for the weekend and would do something spontaneous like candlelight dinner under the Pergola in his backyard. It was never boring with him and boy his kisses always made my knees weak. Jesse was down for a few days to see Kenai but mostly to spend time with her best friend Tala.

We laid on the floor in my lounge room lost in our own thoughts. Tala spoke

"I'm so happy my brothers have found their life partners" Jesse smiled and I laid there frowning.

"Sam and I have only been dating a few months." Jesse and Tala shared a smile

"You know the story about me and Kenai yea?" I nodded smiling when Tavita told me about it.

"And you know about Tala and her Johnny" I looked at Tala my heart heavy with love for her. I nodded again

"You know about the Hunt story?"

"Yes Kenai told me"

"You only need to look at Kenai and Tala with the way they love and how fierce they love to know there's truth behind it" I realised what Jesse was saying because I could see how strong they loved. I looked at the girls. Tala spoke with a kind smile.

"Samuel loves you" Jesse nodded in full agreement.

"It's obvious the way his eyes follow you. He smiles when he hears you laughing. I can see it in the way he acts. The way he speaks about you even when he's angry. There's no disguising the love he feels." I stared at the ceiling, shocked at the revelation.

"You love Samuel" I looked over at Tala

"How do you know?" She laughed

"Because you do the same thing. He is lucky to have you and you are lucky to have him." Jesse chuckled

"He's quite a catch suga. If I didn't fall in love with Kenai I would've set my sights on Samuel in a heart beat. He is major reow!" I laughed at Jesse's comment safe in the knowledge that she was madly in love with Kenai.

We hung out for most of the afternoon before I got dressed for dinner. Samuel wanted to take me somewhere fancy. I dressed to kill, ready to knock Samuel's socks off with the cocktail dress I brought just for the occasion. When I opened the door to his knock, he looked blown away but then he frowned.

"Babe, you're not wearing that. Go put pants and a hoodie on"

"What? Babe I thought you said we're going to dinner in the city?"

"We are baby but I don't want guys checking you out all night. That dress is for my eyes only" I smiled getting my frills at his compliment.

"Babe it took me ages to get ready. And it's a new dress"

"Don't worry if its new. It's gonna be ruined by the end of the night when I rip it off your body anyway babe." Giving me a smile filled with promise. I blushed before I muttered

"Give me 5 minutes to change"...

Walking back down 30 Minutes later in a dress I had no qualms about Sam ruining later tonight, we headed out. Sam always the gentleman, opened my door for me before getting behind the wheel. He looked hella sexy, all smart, and clean shaven and that cologne that is like a drug to my senses. We arrived at the plush restaurant and I pulled a face reading the menu that didn't seem to be in English. Sam ended up ordering. Halfway into our meal he swore

"Baby we should've just went to hungry jacks." I giggled and whole heartedly agreed but I was also flattered that Sam went to all this trouble to spoil me. He asked for the check and we made our escape for the nearest Hungry Jacks. When we couldn't find one Sam suggested we head to the hotel and order room service. Once we were settled into the suite which had its own lounge room, we pigged out in front of the tv. Sam stood up turning the tv off and lowered the lights. I watched his muscles ripple as he walked to the bedroom, my senses were on high alert. He came out carrying his iPod scrolling through his song list before he laid it on the table and pulled me up as the sweet sounds of Ruff endz, You began playing in the background. He began singing as he held me close and slow danced. He stared in my eyes as he sang touching my soul. Slowly pulling the pins out of my hair letting it fall softly around my face. I was so caught up in his gaze as he sang, I didn't even realize my bra came off lol. He picked me up wrapping my legs around his torso as he walked us into the shower where we made earth shattering (censored <--insert readers imagination) He helped to dry me before he carried me back to the room and tossed me(the moron) on the bed where I nearly bounced off the other side. We laid in each others arms cuddling and feeling sated from the exercise we did in the shower and blessing the bed a few times lol. I started drifting into blissful sleep when I whispered

"I love you babe"

The next thing I knew, I found myself pinned to the bed, Samuel looming over me staring intently.

"What did you say?"

"I love you babe?"

"Your not sure?"

"I am. I love you Samuel"

"About bloody time" before giving me a deep kiss.

"When your ready"..

"Ready for what?" I hissed through my teeth

"Do you love me or not?" He stared at me with a fierce frown

"What kind of stupid question is that? Do I not show you how much I love you?"

"Yeeeeees but you've never said it"

"Words can be empty and Love is a word that has been over abused by this generation of idiots that will be shaping the future for the next generation. I'd rather prove I love you through my actions so that you'll never have to ask me if I love you. You'll know because I'll never stop showing you how much till my dying breath" he kissed my nose and wiped the tears that formed while he spoke

"If you ever try and leave me baby, I'll come and drag you back" I thought it was the sweetest thing I ever heard lol. He laid my head on his chest and he said our nightly prayer. Thanking God for loving him so much that He sent a woman like me to be his, asking Jesus to be our foundation for which we will build our new life as man and wife, and thanking Him for the blessings of loved ones. He ended the prayer with asking God for a favour. If He could start sending a woman after God's heart, strong and feisty like me and Jesse and his sis Tala, for his brother Tavita who'll make his life complete. We both said Amen fervently as it was something I wished for too. He held me tightly, kissing my forehead as I slowly drifted off to sleep, a smile on my lips giving up my own prayer of thankfulness for sending me Samuel who played for keeps and won.


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