Part Eight

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Sooo after a hectic night out, hectic being watched all night like prisoners ready to escape, I was getting ready for work the next day when I noticed the time..

"Sh*t I'm late!" Running around looking for my wallet and keys I stumbled out the door only to run into something rock solid

"Ooft!..." Samuel

"Hey you okay?"

"Ye..yea sorry I'm late for work"

"Oh. And your going like that?" Looking down at my footwear I realised I could see my fob feet hahaha shammit. Where's my shoes??

"Ahem I knew that" rummaging around the cupboard next to me I grabbed what I could find and was out the door, Samuel following behind.

"Here let me get that for you" as he opened the door for me. Wow a gentleman!

"Its the passengers door?"

"What you thought you were driving?"

"It is my car?"

"Hand me the keys"


Ripping the keys out of my hand he pushed me into the seat, strapped my seatbelt on and shut the door..yea I take that back. Gentleman deeze!

"How are you getting home?"

"Your car"

"What about me?"

"What about you? Call me when you're finished and I'll come get you" Oh..

We sat in silence the whole drive there. Pulling up in the parking lot I felt a lil disappointed. I don't know why but he was going now and I had to work. Fiddling with my seatbelt I felt his hand reach over and remove it for me. Looking up I noticed his features for the first time. Just looking at him made me want to reach out..Ahem

"Thank you" I smiled. Jumping out of the car a little too quickly making my way over to the front doors of the pub. It wasn't when my foot tripped over a crack did I hear snickers coming from behind. When my eyes caught on the culprit I felt my heart sink a little, tears fighting its way to the surface and my body stiffen. For a second and only a second I had dropped my guard. My shield burst before slowly regenerating again. But as quickly as I dropped it I put it back up. With the help of Samuels presence that I could only now feel beside me. Turning to give him a reassuring smile I led him inside.

"Corona?" He nodded. Passing him the bottle he hesitated for a moment before taking it.

"You okay?"

"I should be asking you that. Who was he?" Oh.

"No one. Doesn't matter" I went to serve another customer before coming back to him, picking up a glass to polish.

"What happened?"


"Kaylana I won't ask you again" Oh.

"I..uh..he' ex" I could feel my eyes begin to sting. Blinking a lot as if to stop myself from crying I was struggling to polish one of the glasses I held in my hand. I felt his hand once again on mine.

"Kaylana stop." He carefully lowered the glass from my hand.

"Breathe" and that was all it took. His gentleness and patience reassured me that I no longer had to fight on my own. They say one should never dwell on their past. With Samuel I was able to see through deception and slowly but surely make that recovery to a better me. That day I told him everything about Mika. Okay maybe not everything but the events that had led us to moving houses. He didn't question nor judge. Instead he listened. And I guess that was all I really needed

The next few weeks breezed by. I had gotten closer not only to our neighbors but to Samuel himself. There was just one person that had yet to fully acknowledge me. Who knew that day had come sooner then expected? It was my day off so I decided to stay home while everyone was out and finish unpacking some of the boxes we had left in the spare room. Going through the contents and reminiscing on what was and so forth I could vaguely hear what sounded like grunting coming from outside. Walking out to investigate I was shocked to find some idiot trying to climb through my neighbors kitchen window. In broad daylight even! Heell nah. Not on my watch!!

"You picked the wrong house to break into mister. The police are on their way" I yelled hoping to scare him off. Which caught him off guard for a moment, a moment I only needed to ninja fly kick him while he was down. The guy seemed pretty mad haha until I pulled off his hoodie did I realise why...

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