Part Four

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And so begun the journey of a beautiful relationship that would make any girl cry with pure inhibited joy...(Cue Titanic theme song)...

PFFFT!! If only! The first 6 months were like a dream. We acted as though we've been dating for years, that's how comfortable we got in each others company. I would always try and juggle my studies and part time job to accommodate having quality time with my man. It took me awhile to notice the little things in our relationship, for instance, when he called and I was out wether over family or out shopping or with my girls. He would expect me to go home that instant. Now any other bf would say something like 'Babe call me when your free or text me when you get home and I'll call you.' Before saying byes till you speak again. Mika was more, "Where are you? Go home now idk why you ka'a for. Hurry up your making me angry" and without questioning him I would get up and make my way home without so much as a reasonable excuse to whoever I was with at the time. Why I had to rush home so suddenly? Just to avoid an argument. I'm sure most of youse are thinking I was scared of him but NO that wasn't it. I was just so adverse to arguing I tried to avoid it as much as I can because I don't want him to realise how uluka'e (mental) I can get. It's probably why I didn't go out as much anymore. If it meant avoiding that or my chance of going hulk then my social life was gonna have to be put on hold. Or what's left of it anyways... If youse thought that was bad it was about to get a whole lot better, hint sarcasm. I didn't think of it much at the time but now that I look back I realised things could've taken a turn for the worse. All it took was me forgetting my phone for the ticking time bomb to go BOOM!..

Polishing the last tray of glasses I let out a tired sigh. It's been a long day. Walking into the store room I reached for my bag when a thought hit me. Where's my phone? Eh probs left it at home. Shrugging it off I went to clock off, calling out laters to the seki's on my way out

"Laterz Ghetto" I chuckled at the nickname.

Finally feeling like I could breathe I felt a sharp pain against my cheek nearly knocking the wind out of me. It was so unexpected and the feeling was so surreal. It was only when I looked up that the shock really hit me. Tears weld up in my eyes as I tried to take in who I was seeing. He stood there, with clenched fists. Kinda slouched, leaning to the side but there was no mistaking him.

"Mika" I breathed out barely.

"Where were you aye? I called you. Why didn't you answer huh? Did I say you can slut around?? Answer me when I'm talking to you!"

His words slurred but he tried to cover it up. There was no denying that this bastard was drunk. And he HIT ME!!!

Before I had a chance to react, he grabbed my arm in a painful grip and led me to his car, pushing me in and slamming my door. At this point I still held my face, still in shock and feeling at a loss. But the one thing I never thought he would do was hit me, and in public of all places. He drove us back to his house ranting at how I left my phone on purpose so he wouldn't know where I was. That I was sleeping with one of the bouncers. Who can understand the mind of an idiot like Mika. I felt it was wise to stay quiet till he calmed down. He turned up his music when After7 'Till you do me right ' played and along with it came more verbal abuse.

"You hear those lyrics whore?! Till you do me right! I don't even want to talk to you! I don't even want to hear you speak my name!!"

Auuu kalofae ia PU-TEE-OH! I sat silently and let him carry on and like clockwork, came the apology

"Babe I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. You know I'd never lay a hand on you but I get so jealous. If you just did what I told you too none of this would've happened. I love you Lana. If you ever leave me I'll kill you ok?"..with an apology like that who wouldn't forgive him ( <----voice dripping with utter sarcasm.)

"It's alright babe. I know it was an accident".

In my head though I was envisioning various ways of decapitating his sorry ass. That was the first and last time I ever let a man ever lay his hand on me...kinda..well I'll get to that later on in the story. 6 months after the incident, I got the surprise of my life when the cops showed up on my parents doorstep asking to speak to me. They wanted to take me down to the station for some questioning, obliging them because who says no without getting tackled to the ground, tasered and handcuffed. Well that's the image flashing through my head if I refused.

So as I sat in one of the interview rooms trying to rack my brain as to why they want to question me, a detective stepped into the room and took a seat across from me. The man had arrogance written all over him it worried me more, about to snap because my nerves were on edge he decided to finally speak.

"Thank you for complying with the officers and coming down to the station. You're not in trouble and I'll try not to keep you here long but I just need you to help verify some information we've received"..

Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding in I nodded to let him know I understood what he said. And then I pondered what the heck do they need me to verify? I wasn't kept wondering long. The detective spoke again

"On August the 8th between 8am-11:30pm, do you recall where you were that day?.."

"I was at home the whole day sir"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. I watched movies all day because it was my day off from work"

"Ma'am, were you with a Mr Michael Frettin on the supposed date?"

Oh what the hell??!!!

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