Chapter 4-

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Chapter 4-

I got home at half past six. I was in a bad mood all because of Harry! I kicked off my converse, walked into the kitchen, and made myself a cup of tea. After I drank my tea, I had a long bath and put on my pyjamas. It got to eight 'o' clock then I decided to order some pizza because I was in no mood for cooking.

As I sat on the sofa and waited for my pizza to be delivered I checked my phone and noticed I had a missed call from Niall.
"Hey Niall." I sighed as I called him back and laid back on the sofa.
"Hiya Clara, you ok?"
"Yeah fine, why?"
"You don't sound too happy"
"No I'm fine just tired that's all"
"You ok anyway?"
"Yep good thanks"
"Good. Sorry I didn't answer the phone, I was in the bath."
"No problem. Have you got work tomorrow?"
"No, I don't work at weekends." I replied as tomorrow was a Saturday.

"Oh right. I was just wondering...Well I had a really nice time getting to know you today and I was just wondering if you wanted to come out someplace with me tomorrow?"
"Sure! I'd love to!" I said excitedly as a smile grew on my face.
"Phew. I was hoping you'd say yes!" He laughed.
"Well I have no reason to say no." I couldn't stop smiling.
"Great, well where shall we meet?"
"Erm, wanna pick me up from my place?" I said flicking through the tv channels.
"Sure." He said. I gave him my address so he could pick me up tomorrow.
"Ok so tomorrow at your place at midday?"
"Awesome, so what you upto?"

We spoke for a further 20 minutes until my doorbell rang.
"Hey Niall the mans here with my pizza." I said as I stood up to go answer the door.
"Ok well I'll let you eat your pizza!" Call you tomorrow. Bye Clara"
"Bye Niall." I said as I ended the call then answered the front door.

The next morning I woke up at 9:00. I had a shower ate some toast and got ready for the day. Today I decided to wear a flowery dress and some wedged shoes as the weather was pretty warm today. I done my makeup light and left my brown hair naturally curly again. After all of that the time was 11 'o' clock. I decided to walk to the local shop to get a magazine to read to pass the time as I walked over to the magazines I looked through them to see if any of them caught my fancy.

I saw one magazine and I almost had a heart attack right there on the spot! The main was
'Harry's new love?' with a picture of ME getting into HIS car! Some paparazzi must have seen us yesterday. I had no choice but to buy that magazine. As soon as I got home I sat on the sofa and turned to the page where the story was written.

It said: "Womanizer Harry Styles seems to have yet another new lover on the scene." As I began to read it the doorbell rang. I chucked the magazine onto the coffee table to go answer door.
"Hiya Clara!" He said as he stood in the doorway.
"Hi Niall." I said as I greeted him with a kiss on the cheek.
"Shall we go?" He asked smiling.
"Yeah let me just grab my bag." I smiled as I quickly grabbed my bag and put on my sunglasses.
"Come on." I smiled as I locked my front door and we made our way over to his car.

We drove for a while until we got further into Central London. We listened to some music and spoke about all kinds of things to pass the time.
"So where are we going?"
"Bowling." Niall smiled.
"Bowling?!" I repeated sounding shocked.
"what a great place to come for a date!" I joked.
"Who said anything about a date?" Niall smirked.
"I was kidding, we're just friends right."
"for now." He winked although I got the impression he was joking.

After about another ten minutes of driving we finally arrived at the bowling alley.

"Well these shoes just go so well with this dress don't they?!" I asked him laughing as I stood up showing off my bowling shoes.
"Yep! Very glamorous!" He jokingly agreed.

Me and Niall were beginning to get along really well. He was one of the nicest people I had ever met and to be honest he wasn't bad looking either.

"Haha I won! Just admit it Niall, I'm better at bowling then you!" I said as we walked out of the bowling alley.
"Only because I let you win!"
"Yeah whatever!" I laughed.
"So immature!" He joked shaking his head. I just stuck out my tongue and carried on walking in front of him.

All of a sudden he ran up behind me, put his arms around my waist and picked me up.
"Niall put me down!" I laughed as he ran all the way to his car with me in his arms.
"Ok but first you gotta say I'm better at bowling then you are!"
"Fine your better at bowling now put me down!" I laughed again as he put me down and unlocked the car.
"Yeah you know I am!" He laughed.

We both got into the car still laughing as we turned to face each other as our eyes met. The contact felt different then it ever had before. I began to feel butterflies in my stomach and I couldn't help but feel as if I was...falling for him.

I sat there admiring his beautiful blue eyes for a few seconds until he broke the silence.
"Erm Clara..."
"Yeah?" I said coming back to reality.
"Wanna go to Hyde Park? We can get some ice cream."
"yeah sure." I smiled as he turned on the engine and began to drive.

We walked around the park for about an hour. After about ten minutes of walking around a girl around the age of 13 began to follow us with her mum trailing behind. I tried to ignore them as we walked over to the ice cream van and Niall bought us each an ice cream.
"Are you Niall Horan?" The little girl with blonde hair asked tapping Niall on the arm as her mum walked over.
"Yep." Niall smiled looking down at her.
"Oh my god! I love you so much!" She said as she hugged him and he handed me his ice cream.
"I love you too." He said back as she began to cry.
"See mum I told you it was Niall"

"Its ok don't cry!" Niall laughed.
"I'm sorry, I just love you so much! Can I please have a picture with you Niall?" She asked politely.
"Yeah sure." He said as he bent down and put his arm around the girl while her mother took a photo.
"Thanks Niall." She said.
"Your welcome." After that the girls mum had her photograph taken with Niall then they left.

"Sorry about that." He laughed as I gave him his ice cream back that was now beginning to melt.
"It's fine." I smiled.

After we finished our ice cream we decided to get back into the car before anyone else found out that Niall Horan was at Hyde Park. Niall drove me back to my house.

"Thanks for another really lovely day Niall." I said as we got out of the car and he walked me to my door.
"Your more then welcome. I really enjoy spending time with you Clara."
"We should do this again soon."
"Already looking forward to it." I smiled at him.
"Me too. Well, speak to you later." He said as he hugged me and kissed my cheek.
"Bye Niall."
"See ya Clara." He said as he walked over to his car and got back inside it. I unlocked my front door and waved goodbye as he drove away.


Hey Guys! Sorry if this chapter is kinda boring! I promise there going to get better :) please vote and leave some comments for me to read!!

Much Love! xx

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