Chapter 22-

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Chapter 22-

(Clara's POV:)

"Harry wait!" I exclaimed as I ran up to the kitchen door and leaned my back against it to prevent him from leaving.
"No Clara! Move out of the way!" He said grabbing the handle and pulling it with all his force causing me to stumble forward a little bit.
"I'm sorry I never meant to hurt your feelings, I-"

"Hurt my feelings?!" He scoffed with a hint of humour. "Don't worry Clara you haven't hurt my feelings..."
"I haven't?"
"No...I just wanna get the fuck outta here before I end up hurting you..." He said with evil playing in his voice.

I gasped at the words he had just spoken as I looked up into his eyes.
"Move." He said, his voice low and stern as he looked down at me. I quickly moved to the side as he opened the front door and headed towards my staircase.

"H-Harry..." I stuttered as he was really beginning to frighten me.
"What now?!" He asked as he stopped in his tracks.

"Where are you going?"
"To get my things."
"Because I'm going home dumb-ass."
"don't leave Harry."
"I said please don't leave, I don't want Olivia to think we're arguing..." I whispered although Olivia probably couldn't hear me talking anyway as she was now in the shower.

"And why should I stay here with you?" He asked as he spun back around and walked over to me his hand clenched tightly into fists. "Your just like the others! But I guess you just top the list!"

"What do you mean?" I asked furrowing my brows and sounding unsure of what he was talking about. He looked at me and his eyes widened. He looked worried as if he had just let something out that I wasn't supposed to know.
"Nothing. Just forget I said anything."
"No Harry, just tell me what you meant-"
"I said forget it! Now I'm getting my stuff and I'm leaving!" He shouted.

"Please Harry, please don't go..." I said with pleading eyes as I grabbed hold of his hand and looked into his orbs.

He turned around and looked down at me with fury in his eyes there was a silent pause for a few seconds.
"And give me one good reason why I should stay."
"Because I don't want you to leave, please harry, please stay if not for me then stay for Liv, your her idol." I said as I rubbed the crucifix he had tattooed to his left hand with my thumb. There was a quiet pause for a few seconds as I waited for him to answer.

"fine!" He scoffed snatching his hand from my grip. "But don't go thinking I'm doing this for you I'm only staying here for Liv!" He insisted before walking off into the lounge.
"Yeah! Sure, whatever you say!" I called after him before I heard a slam of the living room door.

After that Olivia came downstairs dressed and ready for the day with her long natural blonde hair pulled back into a pony tail, it was quite clear she didn't wash her hair whilst showering.
"Liv I'm sorry for yelling at you I didn't mean it." I said as she came down the stairs and tried to push past me.
"Olivia don't ignore me I said I'm sorry."

"Yeah well you really upset me Clara and sorry doesn't always cut it y'know!"

'Sorry doesn't always cut it...' Those words cut through me like knives. The same words that Niall had said to me the night he found out about Harry.

I was already feeling really upset with Harry, and now that the thought of Niall had entered my head it made me feel even worse.
"Olivia." I spoke quietly. "I never meant to upset you, please forgive me for yelling like that."

"Fine then..." She sighed before walking towards the living room door and reaching for the handle.

"Oh yeah, Clara?" She asked turning around.
"Is everything okay with you and Harry? Sounded like you two were arguing earlier."

"No everything's right as rain." I smiled at her as she gave me a look as if I was some sort of weirdo, probably because I'd never used that phrase before in my life.

"Okay..." She said still looking at me strange before walking into the living room.

"Morning Harry!"
"Morning babe." I heard before She shut the door again. I sat down on the staircase and got out my phone.

I went down my contacts until I came to Niall and sat there looking down at it debating weather to press call or not. 'If I call him I might annoy him then he won't talk to me again...maybe I should give it some time?' I thought to myself but then I thought - 'maybe I should call him...I miss him so much and maybe just maybe he'll decide it's time to talk..."

In the end I ran upstairs and decided to call him.
"Hello?" He answered after it rang a few times.
"Niall, it's me Clara."
"I know who it is."
"Clara I told you before I'll talk to you when I'm ready, I'm just really not in the mood right now."

Suddenly I began to feel even more upset then I was earlier. Tears began to form in my eyes just from hearing Niall's voice. Yes I know that sounds stupid but I couldn't help it, that day I was feeling really emotional.

"I-It's fine I totally understand. I'm sorry for calling." I stuttered as I tried to hold back my tears.
"Ok, we will talk soon, I promise."
"Ok. Bye Niall."
"Bye Clara."

I layed back on my bed and let the droplets of water roll down my cheeks from my eyes.

'Why is he being so stubborn?' I thought to myself. 'I mean it was only one little kiss and a few trips out together, hardly even dates why is he getting so worked up about it?' I asked myself before I thought again about how much it must have actually hurt him when he found out I'm 'dating harry'. This made me feel even more upset causing the tears to fall more rapidly.

Suddenly the bedroom door flung open and in walked Harry. "Clara is it okay if I take a shower I-" he stopped talking as I quickly sat up and wiped my eyes not wanting him to witness me cry for a second time.

"What's wrong?"
"Doesn't seem like nothing." He stated. "Have you been crying again?"

"No!" I said trying not to look at him. "Why would I be crying?"
"You tell me." He said walking over to the bed and sitting next to me.
"There's nothing to tell." I said finally finding the courage to look up at his face.

"Oh okay, so that explains why your so upset after being on the phone to Niall."
"You were listing in on my phone call?!" I said as I felt anger rush down my spine.

"No I over heard."
"Can't you just stop being so nosy? My phone calls are my business Harry which is exactly the reason I closed the door!"

"I know, I just wanted to say that I understand how much this whole Niall thing is upsetting you. You've been an emotional wreck all day!"
"I am not an emotional wreck!"

He gave me a look as to say "really?"
"I'm not!" I insisted.
"Whatever, that's not the point. The point is, I'm here if you ever need a shoulder to cry on okay?"

"Thanks." I sighed.
"What are friends for?"

'Friends? Me and Harry? Friends? A minute ago he wanted to kill me now were friends?' I thought but decided not to say anything.

I gave him a small smile before I said "you can go take that shower now."
"Thanks." He answered before walking out of the room and rushing to my bathroom.

"There's a clean towel on the towel rack!" I called to him.
"I know! Thanks!" He called back before I heard the bathroom door shut.

After that I went back downstairs where Olivia was watching TV.

A/N: thanks for all the reads and comments guys! I love you all .xx

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