The People I Destroy

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>>>Marinette's POV<<<

As Chat carried me, I felt a deep blush creep up to my cheeks. "Already making my Puuuuur~incess blush I see?~" Chat said flirtatiously. I face palmed at his remark. "So, where is this 'safe place' you were speaking of chat?" I said, changing the subject. "Well, its a place I used to visit with my grandparents when I was younger. Since they both passed, the place has been abandoned for a few years. Anyways, its a beautiful log cabin that's off the grid, so hopefully no one will find us there." Chat said, his expression unreadable. "O-okay . . ." I said uncomfortably. I don't know how I feel being alone with chat in a cabin. I shook off the feeling. How will Chat be able to hold his transformation for that long? What will Paris do without Ladybug and Chat Noir? How many people will be affected by this decision? Questions started to reel through my mind as I thought of the causes and affects of this decision. After an awkward moment of silence, I finally spoke, "Do you think it's really good idea to leave Paris though? What will the people of Paris do without you?" I said, worry creeping into my voice. "Only Ladybug can purify the akumas, I can't. Paris will be fine because she is there, I'm not to worried about it." (Chat be dense) I mentally face palmed. Well, unfortunately Ladybug and Chat Noir are gonna both be gone! I have to make a choice . . . Save myself from these gang bangers, or save the rest off Paris. The people of Paris will always come first. "Ch-Chat . . . I can't go with you." I said, trying to be as vague as possible. Chat then put me down. "What do you mean?" he said, his eyes glazed with confusion. Dang it! I can't really argue with him without giving away my identity! I was starting to get worried. "Like it said, Paris will be fine as long as Ladybug is there. Marinette . . ." He added more seriously, "You need to come with me. I won't be able to live with myself if another person close to me dies . . " He added the last part silently, his ears going flat against his head. I couldn't argue with him because I would risk giving out my identity, and I couldn't let that happen. "F-fine . . ." I gave in, realizing there is nothing I could do about the situation. Chat nodded and we continued the trek to the cabin.

>>>Time Skip (Cuz Author~Chan is lazy)<<<

>>>Chat's POV<<<

Thomas Furlong, the name kept ringing in my head. If that is who I thought it was, then Marinette is in danger . . . More thoughts kept rushing in my head, Why did she want to stay behind in Paris so bad? I told her that she is a potential target, and that she could die! What egged her on to stay back? Is she hiding something from me?  I tried to shake off the feeling by continuing to walk. I looked over at Marinette to see how she was holding up, she looked fatigued, most likely from loss of blood. I decided to pick up the petite girl bridal-style, after a few moments she snuggled up to my chest and fell asleep peacefully. She looks so peaceful when she is asleep. Its almost as if nothing happened. The wound on her side was still bleeding, but not as bad as before. I need to get her to the cabin quickly, her wound could get worse. I got snapped out of my thoughts as I heard foot steps from behind me. "What now?" I said, pissed off. Marinette woke up from her slumber and looked at Chat confused. "Ch-Chat? W-what's going on?" She said, afraid. I set her down on the ground and looked at her worriedly, "Marinette! You need to run!" I told the now shaking girl in front of me. Before Marinette could make a move, a man lifted her up by the arm while dislocating it. Marinette let out a blood curdling scream, while the man finally spoke. "Well, well, well, it seams that you are the girl that killed our first in command, hm?" Marinette let out a scream, "Chat! Hel-" Before she could finish, her petite body got thrown at the nearest tree. I looked at the man in front of me, my eyes practically glowing with anger at hatred. "James Furlong~ The son of Thomas Furlong." I glared at him, murder evident in my gaze. "You will regret hurting MY  Princes!" I said, while getting my staff out. "Oh~ I'm so scared, what are you gonna do? Kill me with cat puns?" James said, quite amused. While I was detracted, he threw me at the same tree he threw Marinette at. After he did so, he shot both me and Marinette in the leg. I only hissed at the pain, while Marinette screamed in agony. "Cataclysm." I choked out. As I said these words, black particles surrounded my right hand. I got up, limping ever so slightly. "Ch-Chat, d-don't do it. No one deserves to die . . ." She repeated my exact words. "Well this man does." I said, my husky voice showing anger at the events that unfolded. I ran towards James as fast as I possibly could while my eyes were narrowed. I always wondered what it would be like to use Cataclysm on someone. Then I placed my right hand on his neck, his entire body slowly turning into ash.

>>>Marinette's POV<<<

I looked at chat with fearful wide eyes as he wiped James out of existence, leaving only ash to take his place. "Ch-Chat. Why did you do that? You used your Cataclysm on a person!" I said, fear edging my voice. "He hurt you Princess, I couldn't just stand there and watch him hurt you." He said, his voice giving off no emotion. I tried to get up, but ended up having no avail as my leg was throbbing with pain. Hot tears started to stream down my face as my shoulder, hip, and leg were sending spasms of pain throughout my body. "Th-thank you Chat though . . . For saving my life." Chat ran towards me as he noticed the tears flowing down my face, he picked me up bridal-style once again, while kissing my cheek. "Anything for my my Princess." Chat then squinted in the distance, "We are almost at the cabin Princess" He said while walking in the direction of the cabin. "Thank you Chat." I said sleepily while falling asleep in his leather arms.

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