Do I Deserve To Be Forgiven?

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>>>Chat's POV<<<

I can't believe I killed another person. I can't believe I killed him with Cataclysm. It's almost as if I . . . . enjoyed killing him. I couldn't seem to wrap my mind around it, it all just happened so fast. I looked up at the dimly-lit moon hidden behind the clouds, What will Marinette think of me? What will Ladybug think of me? How can anyone call me a hero if I killed my brother and James Furlong? I kept walking as Marinette's words kept ringing in my mind, "I guess we both have things we regret . . . "  I looked up at the leaves peacefully swaying in the crisp night breeze, as if nothing happened a while ago. Will Marinette forgive me? Do I deserve forgiveness? A thought then flashed in my mind sending cold chills up my spine, Do I enjoy killing people? I shook off the thought as I kept walking with Marinette sleeping peacefully in my arms. Felix. I couldn't seem to get the name out of my head. I can't believe I had to resort to killing him, even though he tortured Chloe. Although I don't like Chloe, she was my childhood friend and I could sit there and watch her die. I looked into the distance, the cabin now in sight range. 

>>>Time Skip<<<

Man, this cabin looks way different than from what I can remember. I said to myself as I walked up to the door of the cabin. Wow, I'm surprised this place is still in pretty good condition. I walked into the main room of the cabin, with Marinette still in my arms. I set Marinette on the couch closest to me, making sure not to wake her up. Even though this place was abandoned for a few years, its still a bit from what I remember. I sighed at the memory of my grandparents. I can't believe they are not here anymore . . . I used to visit here all the time when I was younger with my Mom . . . Marinette then began to shuffle around on the couch as she started to wake up. "Good Mor-I mean night Puuurincess!~" I said awkwardly. "Chat, where are we?" She said, confusion lacing her voice as her cerulean blue eyes looked around the room. "We are in my grandparent's old home-the safe place I was telling you about." I told Marinette, who was now trying to get up from the couch. "Thank you for going through all the trouble to do this for me Chat. You really didn't have to do this for me" She sighed before continuing, while sitting at the edge of the couch, "It's just that . . . I didn't know that the mistake I made would affect the lives of others . . . " She looked up at me with sadness clouding her gaze, then she quickly looked away. "Its my fault that Paris is without you and Ladybug . ." She added the last part silently, soft enough so Chat wouldn't hear. I sat down on the couch next to her trying to reassure her, "Marinette" I began seriously. She looked at me wide-eyed, realizing I wasn't joking  because I said her actual name. "I will do anything to help you through this. Every decision you make, I will be there by your side, I will always be there to protect you M'lady." I told her sincerely, meaning every word I said. I want her to feel safe around me. "T-thank you Chat." Marinette then tried to get up, but it resulted in her wincing in pain. "Princess, take it easy. I will get some supplies to help with your wounds." I told her. Before I left I planted a gentle kiss on her cheek. I giggled while she blushed a light pink. "Thank you Chat." With that, I walked into to the bathroom to get some supplies. Everywhere I go reminds me of my broken family. Every time I got a cut when I was younger, my grandma would always patch me up in here. I sighed at the memory of my childhood and got back to what I was doing. I grabbed some alcohol, gauze rolls, and a rag from the cabinet. Before going out into the main room, I put the rag under cold water. After that was done, I walked into the main room with the supplies I gathered. I sat next to Marinette on the couch, getting the supplies ready. "Thank you again Chat." She said, lovingly. "I want to help in any way I can Princess." I told her, while opening the lid to the alcohol. "Princess, this may sting a little." I told her as I poured the alcohol on a paper towel. Marinette winced in pain as I placed the alcohol on her left forearm. After I cleaned up the dried up blood and the newly formed blood, I placed gauze all around it. I repeated the same process twice, one time with her right hand, and the other time with her left leg-where she got shot. "T-thank you Chat." Marinette told me after I was done, happiness glazing her voice. "Glad I could help my Princess~" I told her, happiness evident in my voice. "Get some rest M'lady." With that, she rested her head against the pillow on the couch. While she was laying down, I placed the cold wet rag on top of her forehead. After I did so, I did something I never thought I would do . . . I leaned my head closer to hers, my mouth centimeters away from hers. I then decided to close the gap between us, melting into a perfect kiss. I felt all the weight lift off my shoulders from earlier as I felt Marinette kiss back, our lips perfectly in sync. 

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter my Cinnamon Rolls!~ Sorry if it was a little crappy (lol)Thank you to those of you who are reading this book, it means a lot to me that people are actually reading it. 



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